Success is not just about being a hard worker, it is about becoming a smart worker.

I sense an actor in me.

I aim to work for girls and I am hopeful I will achieve it through the support of the Miss World Organization.

I was a physics topper in my school and used to encourage my juniors.

I think it's okay not knowing what you want to become.

I think a mother deserves the highest respect and when you talk about salary, it's not always about cash, but I feel it's the love and respect that you give to someone.

At the Miss India competition, I didn't think I was going to win, I didn't know how to wear makeup, I did not have the most glamorous clothes. I was like a nerd who was put among glamorous, beautiful and talented girls, and I didn't know what I was doing.

I realised that being a mother is similar to being an entrepreneur. You set up a system that is your family and you invest... you take risks and you actually have the most important job of rearing up the future of not just your family or an individual, but of the entire world. That is a tough and risky job.

I think everyone can make a difference, I think even smiling at someone in the morning can make her day.

I have a friend in every country now.

I was always focused on my studies and wanted to be a doctor, but like every girl, I would also dream to be at a beauty pageant at least once in life.

I've always looked up to Dr. Reita Faria, the first Asian to win the Miss World crown. Despite many offers from the glamour industry, she followed her passion and went on to become a gynaecologist.

I dream to be happy.

Three components - education, equality and empowerment - play an important and pivotal role in moving the country forward in every aspect.

As a medical student, you have to study every day. You can't cover the syllabus by studying for a few nights before your exam.

Miss World victory is something very personal to me.

My project for menstrual hygiene is about empowering girls.

Education brings a sense of confidence and self-worth to yourself.

As women, we should set an example and make others feel confident that they can do amazing things as well.

I think if you make others happy you are contented.

Once you are confident, and comfortable with who you are; once you are unapologetic about yourself, things fall into place.

I feel fortunate that my parents supported me.

When I took admission in a medical college, I found that apart from the lack of education, what stopped girls from menstrual management was a limited access to sanitary pads.

I told my parents that I wanted to work on menstrual hygiene because I believe a girl can achieve everything if she is healthy.