When you've been touched by sadness and grief, it makes you vulnerable. And because I am vulnerable, I try to be positive. And when I say 'try,' I really do mean try, because it's an effort.

My parents have always encouraged me to follow my dreams and do what makes me happy.

Bhagavd Gita is a major source of inspiration for me and the spiritual text has a special role in my life.

My parents have a great role in inculcating values in me.

As Miss World, you are a face for beauty with a purpose. You can't just be beautiful. You have to have the zeal and courage to pursue the purpose.

Even as a Miss World, you have to roleplay sometimes. When you look at some people, you feel like breaking down but you've to smile and spread happiness. So of course, I know I am a good actor.

We will face a lot of limitations and sometimes we do feel that it is not a very woman-friendly society but as individuals, we should just set an example and make women feel confident that you can do amazing things as well.

All Indian women have one thing in common... we don't feel prosecuted for who we are and actually face our challenges head-on. And I think that's what we need to do, we need to be confident about who we are.

I am a proud Indian, it's the land of celebration with all the festivals, vibrance and, most importantly, emotions. That is what I took to Miss World!

Being associated with Malabar Gold has been wonderful, a relationship which is close to my heart with moments that are special to every Indian.

It does not matter what others think, 'beauty' is just perception.

I already have a pet project called Project Shakti and it aims on educating women on menstruation cycle.

Miss World is about coming together, taking the reigns and fighting for a cause.

Today Miss World is all about young women who bring about a global change.

The Miss World journey has been incredible.

When you set an example, it helps other girls to dream.

It is education which can liberate you and I believe girls should get the best education.

I love Virat Kohli, he has achieved a lot.

My mother has always been the biggest inspiration in my life.

All mothers sacrifice so much for their kids. So, I think it is the job of a mother that deserves the highest salary.

I was not even a person who watched a lot of movies.

I do enjoy being in front of the camera and that is something new I have discovered.

I think there is no set formula and there is no one path that can be taken to the crown as every one has their own way. Even when you look at past winners of Miss World, everyone was unique.

I have been to all continents of the world.