Smiling makes you and others feel better, and it makes you look younger.

I'm not a pretty-boy kind of a girl; the Brad Pitts don't do anything for me.

When you're a model, you learn how to make the most of your assets - in my case, the smallish behind that is the legacy of my half-Japanese heritage.

To be honest, the reason I have my cats is to force myself to think about something other than myself.

The only thing I can't change is the elasticity of my skin.

I was addicted to 'The Monkees' TV programme - not so much because of the music but because of the commercials in between. The programme was sponsored by Yardley, and in the commercial breaks, there would be these English girls on roller skates, wearing hot pants, and I just thought, 'God! How neat!'

People were endlessly trying to set me up with 'eligible' men, and I enjoyed going on a galaxy of dates.

I've never met a size zero person. Is Paris Hilton a size zero? I've met her. She looked very thin, but she looked very healthy. She had beautiful skin.

I don't have children, and I'm not in a relationship, so I have the time to devote to myself.

I was brought up by parents who embraced the 1960s and taught me that being faithful isn't the be-all and end-all.

Men are intimidated by me: I very rarely get asked out.

I wouldn't mind being in a relationship, but there's no reason to marry.

A secret control slip is a wonderful invention. It sculpts and lifts the bum and smooths the hips.

I'm known for my big hair and curls.

I loved Le Taha'a private resort in Tahiti. It's accessible only by private boat or helicopter, and it sits on a tiny strip of land just big enough for one hotel. It's extraordinary and faces the Vanilla Island where Tahitians grow vanilla.

The two times I have cut my hair shorter, I've ended up out of work - so short hair is not an option.

I definitely think men prefer women more undone and natural than butch and masculine. They prefer a fresher, sexier, more feminine look.

I'm interested only in buying land in my native Hawaii so that one day I can live there and have the space to rescue animals.

I think I'm living in the wrong century. I would have made a great courtesan. Not a mistress - I could never be kept - but a courtesan with my own rules.

I go to the gym four times a week for 45 minutes to an hour without fail; I like using weights for muscle tone and the bike and rower for my heart rate. I do quite a lot of floor exercises.

My sister Naomi and I always wanted to go to Tahiti. We planned a fantastic holiday to visit several islands, but at the last moment, Naomi cancelled. It was the first time I'd holidayed alone, and it was absolutely the best.

I try to be as positive as I can because I truly believe I am my feelings, and if I'm sad, if I have regrets, they will show up as illnesses, they will show up as cancers... I don't want that.

Myself and my two younger sisters and brother were paid for any chores, whether it was washing pop's car, sweeping the lawn or picking mangoes.

Not having alcohol has kept the weight off around my waist; my skin feels so much better, and I am sleeping really well.