Fresh seafood reminds me of Hawaii and eating raw ahi fish on the beach with a little soy sauce - instant sashimi.

Whilst I may look good, I do find it hard to find the right man.

I'm not bothered about clothes. Never have been.

When you get older, your skin tone changes; your hair probably changes colour, whether you dye it or not, and you just can't wear the colours you used to like anymore.

I'm 56 - I don't want to look like I'm 20.

I never get asked out by men my own age, as they all want to go out with 20-year-olds, and the men that do ask me out are too young.

If you believe, as I do believe, in reincarnation, they say that every time you come back, it's because you have to finish something. I've a funny feeling that my thing in this life is to have one relationship after another.

I'm slim for professional reasons, and I work at it. I really want to continue working. There aren't that many models who are still doing it at 60.

I like living on my own. I'm happy for a man to come over. I'll cook for him; he can spend the night occasionally, but then I want him to leave. I'm too independent.

I hate Botox, but a fabulous-looking friend of mine told me her secret was this gadget that uses electrical impulses to tone your facial muscles. It works!

As a girl, I lived in jeans, and my love-affair with them continues. Since I turned 50, jeans have become something of a uniform, whether it's a slouchy boyfriend fit for daytime or a leaner, fitted jean in a darker denim for evening.

I'm good at many, many things, but the one thing I've never been good at is relationships.

I am a vegetarian. I don't want to have anything injected into me that I can't eat. I am a real health nut. I look after myself well.

Monogamy is not something that's important to me. I don't think it defines love.

I don't have any children, but I can leave my land to an animal sanctuary. That is what I dream about, not bags, not shoes.

Most English people are horrified that I use soap, but I like it - it works for my skin. I try different soaps all the time, but I use very mild ones.

When I began modelling in my late teens, I started to earn a lot of money very, very quickly, but I'd never been shown how to manage it properly.

I don't see myself as the next Carmen Dell'Orefice. I'd rather be fat and happy, sitting on a beach in Hawaii eating pizza.

I'm not keen on the English way of eating outside, on the street. I want food that is clean, not impregnated with toxic fumes.

I had a very spoilt childhood. Not that my family were incredibly wealthy, but we lived on the beautiful island of Hawaii where everything was lush and in abundance.

Cheating is never to do with how attractive you are.

Surgery is not going to improve your skin - all it's going to do is make you look tighter, like Joan Rivers!

Sixties models knew nothing about skin care.

I can't stand small babies. I would rather give birth to a kitten or a colt... a little pony.