Jesus was a perfect example of following authority. He was subject to His earthly parents; he subjected himself to the laws of the land, and as God, he had the power not to do any of it.

It's funny how we 'do' Christmas. Christmas is not something that we do, it is something that was done. It celebrates the long awaited arrival of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. We had nothing to do with it, but what we can do is praise God for the coming of the Lord, who washed away the sins of the world by dying on the cross.

Jesus is not only the Son of God, but He is God Himself. Having all power in His hands, He laid down His life for people who deserved God's justice, not His mercy.

Jesus went to the cross for sins He didn't commit. Hello! You can carry a grudge just thinking about that, but don't do it. He knew what He was doing. It was His choice, and He did it willingly. It was the will of the Father, and He always did the will of God without complaint. So what is it that we have to complain about?

Are you still thirsting? Christ gives the invitation not only to others but to you. He is the fountainhead. He has died and is risen. He offers the only way to eternal life, asking only that you admit your need, raise the empty hands of faith, and accept His gift. What is eternal life? It is meaning in life now as well as living one‚s life forever. Drink deep. Jesus offers a brimming cup.

God's Word will never pass away, but looking back to the Old Testament and since the time of Christ, with tears we must say that because of lack of fortitude and faithfulness on the part of God's people, God's Word has many times been allowed to be bent, to conform to the surrounding, passing, changing culture of that moment rather than to stand as the inerrant Word of God judging the form of the world spirit and the surrounding culture of that moment. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may our children and grandchildren not say that such can be said about us.

True spirituality consists in living moment to moment by the grace of Jesus Christ.

The central problem of our age is not liberalism or modernism, nor the old Roman Catholicism or the new Roman Catholicism, nor the threat of communism, nor even the threat of rationalism and the monolithic consensus which surrounds us. All these are dangerous but not the primary threat. The real problem is this: the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, individually corporately, tending to do the Lord’s work in the power of the flesh rather than of the Spirit. The central problem is always in the midst of the people of God, not in the circumstances surrounding them.

When the Bible uses the words salvation, Savior, and save, it's speaking of the total work of God in bringing people from a state of death - hopeless separation from God - to a state of everlasting life through the forgiveness of sin, based on the merits of Christ Jesus who died and rose again. Saving us is the greatest and most concrete demonstration of God's love, the definitive display of His grace throughout time and eternity.

When we give our lives to Jesus Christ, the things of earth grow strangely dim. The values of eternity grow increasingly bright.

Only by being both deity and humanity could Jesus Christ bridge the gap between where God is.

Jesus says that those who live by God's forgiveness must imitate it. A person whose only hope is that God will not hold his faults against him forfeits his right to hold others' faults against them.

Jesus became mortal to give you immortality; and today, through Him, you can be free.

If you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you already have the Holy Spirit living within you.

With Jesus we have 100 percent security, and no one can ever breach the parameters of His love.

When you're facing all the issues of life and you don't know what to do, accept the fact that you are human. We all are. We don't have the capacity to understand Almighty God. But you know what? We know Jesus Christ. He's the wisdom of God. And He put His Holy Spirit in us. So having access to the Holy Spirit and Jesus, we can face the challenges of today with the wisdom of God.

Your attitude toward the word of God is your attitude toward Jesus (Ps 37:4).

Jesus continues to offer light, joy, and peace to today's generation.

Jesus Himself stresses that only those who grant forgiveness will receive it.

Amid the thousands of shrill voices screaming for our attention, there is but on Voice we need to hear. The voice of the Lord Jesus Christ.

My miseries have always come out of my own flesh, never from any burden Jesus has laid on me.

Nowhere in the Word of God is there any text or passage or line that can be twisted or tortured into teaching that the organic living church of Jesus Christ just prior to His return will not have every right and every power and every obligation that she knew in that early part of the book of Acts.

We get the odd notion that God is showing mercy because Jesus died. No. Jesus died because God is showing mercy.

Jesus Christ knows the worst about you. Nonetheless, He is the one who loves you the most.