"Never, never did I think I would be in a Disney movie."

"I'm 12 years sober, so I don't have beer! When I used to drink I really liked Bass Ale!"

"I'm having a great career, though I think I'm not as good as your little scenario makes me out to be."

"I'd wanted to be an actress my whole life, that was my goal, that was all I cared about."

"I think that when you are famous, it can work against you, people have preconceptions about your image."

"I was very poor and I was a waitress, and it's hard to be a poor waitress in New York."

"I'm an actress who likes a strong, communicative director."

"Our mothers' generation fought so hard to change things and we're the first generation to benefit. And now you get girls in their twenties who say they're not feminists."

"There's such a history, and to be here, and to feel that, is really amazing."

"If I'm walking very, very fast down Madison Avenue in the middle of the day, I'll say I'm stopped 10 times."

"Sometimes it would be nice to just have some red wine with dinner, but it's not worth the risk. I have a great life, a great situation. Why would I want to risk self-destructive behaviour?"

"I like green or brown eyes. Tall but not overwhelmingly so. I like men who do yoga and meditate."

"You create a little world when you are making a film and you have to feel that you would want to be a part of that world. I sometimes look at the scripts I get and think 'what are they thinking?'"

"I do a lot of comedy and I like that. I am happy doing funny films. I am often the straight person in a comedy, which is great as long as there are talented people to work with."

"I am definitely not a fashionista, I can't live up to that title, I don't want to. Sometimes I look like a slob, but I wouldn't do a job if I couldn't be involved in the style and wardrobe of my character."

"Sometimes you just get burnt out with fashion."

“She said that she didn’t want to try out because, “What if I didn’t make it, Mom? What if I am not as good as I think I am? If I don’t audition, at least I can tell myself that I’m amazing—I’m just too lazy to have what I want.” 

When you're asking about roles for men and women, men certainly have a longer shelf life. Men can play the sexy lead for 20 years longer than we can.

I think there was the studio mentality for a long time that women and girls can relate to a male hero, but boys and men can't relate to a female hero.

When I dance, I look like I'm a dad at a prom. I never grasped my limbs. Ever since puberty I've just kind of felt like we don't understand each other.

Where are the Robert Redfords and Paul Newmans of my age group? I love James Franco, but where's the next James Franco? Where are the hunks who can act?

I just love film making; all aspects of it. I love the idea of writing but I just don't feel like I could really do it. I didn't even graduate from school.

I just love film making; all aspects of it. I love the idea of writing but I just don't feel like I could really do it. I didn't even graduate from school.

For 'X-Men' I was lifting a lot of weights. I actually lost a lot of mass when I quit 'X-Men' because I was working out so much and very muscular and strong.