I wanted to marry somebody who wasn't someone I had to be in any particular mood to want to be around - with close friends, you can be with them no matter what mood you're in.

If it's a good part in a good movie, I'll do it.

I became an adult before I had a kid, which I highly recommend. I just like to throw her around. She's a really good snuggler, and she likes to give kisses and hugs.

You can say your lines a million different ways and play your character a million different ways and still hit the common, agreed-upon finish line.

I never looked at fan mail, for some reason. My mother and grandmother handled my mail - although it's not like I was ever in the stratosphere of Kirk Cameron or Scott Baio.

A straight factor is important in any comedy, because you need something to tee it up and also to ground it.

By definition, gay is smart. I see plenty of macho heterosexual idiots, but nine times out of 10 you can have a great conversation if you find a gay guy.

If people are going to complain about stereotyping, it's as likely to be Italian-Americans as gay people.

I just love doing sitcoms. I'd be in them till I was gray if they'd have me.

I just love doing sitcoms. I'd be in them till I was gray if they'd have me.

I don't worry about people misinterpreting my kindness for weakness.

If I'm enjoying something, I'd like to be able to just have it all. Frankly, that's the way I'm approaching my career now. I'm a total workaholic.

Mike Tyson's life is one of the most amazing American stories.

"When the facts change, you change your mind. I know that is a hard concept for people to get sometimes."

"Sometimes a mind is like a mouth: you just got to shut it."

"I'm crazy, but I'm not stupid."

"Make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to perfect."

"Amazing what people make up based on what they choose to see."

"I love to see my family together. That's what life is about. It's about family."

"My god, there's absolutely nothing tenth-rate about you, and yet you're up to your neck at this minute in tenth-rate thinking."

"If I were a piano player, I'd play it in the goddam closet."

"In the first place, you’re way off when you start railing at things and people instead of at yourself."

"There are still a few men who love desperately."

"Give me a story that just makes me unreasonably vigilant. Keep me up till five only because all your stars are out, and for no other reason."