"This is my one and only life and it's a great and terrible and short and endless thing and none of us come out of it alive."

"As long as we dare to dream and don't get in the way of ourselves, anything is possible - there's truly no end to where our dreams can take us."

"I took 'P.S. I Love You' thinking it was going to be a little funny, and I ended up crying every day on that film."

"I took 'P.S. I Love You' thinking it was going to be a little funny, and I ended up crying every day on that film."

"What do dreams know of boundaries?"

"Oh, the Places You'll Go!,' by Dr. Seuss, is still one of my favorite books ever."

"I am a competitive person with myself. I always find new goals to achieve, new challenges to breakthrough, and I try and do something new every day. And I'm highly competitive with myself."

"I think that we're all continually searching for who we are, and that's ever-evolving and changing."

"I think that we're all continually searching for who we are, and that's ever-evolving and changing."

"I'm always looking for opportunities, even when they're not offered to me. I will have no hesitation to pick up the phone and call a director or call a writer."

"There's so much I want to do as an actor. I feel like there's so much more that I want to achieve and that I can achieve."

"I wouldn't change my past for anything, because I think it's made me who I am. I'm so enormously grateful for all that I have in my life."

"There's no negatives. You just have to trust that what's happening in your life is unfolding in exactly the right way."

"I'm just a girl from a trailer park who had a dream. I never thought this would ever happen."

"I'm a risk-taker. It's where my passion lies, so I don't want to play it safe. That means I'm going to fail sometimes."

"I think we have a choice every single day in how we want to live our life. You wake up and you make your choice of what you want to do with your day that's going to help you achieve your dream."

"You have to be precisely in the moment in order to box. And I just love that. I just love the idea of right now we're here, be here."

"I'm certainly not very book smart, but I started traveling at 16, and it has enriched me in ways I could never begin to explain."

"I cut coupons, love specials and believe in buying toilet paper and toothpaste in bulk. It's just who I am."

"One thing I've learned: You never know where life is taking you, but it's taking you."

"One thing I've learned: You never know where life is taking you, but it's taking you."

"I bring my dogs on set with me, and my little dog Karoo is smart as a whip. She knows where the craft-services food tables are, so anytime I can't find her, I know she has found her way to that area. She's a funny dog."

"All you have to remember is 'audition' is synonymous with 'opportunity. I mean, if you absolutely hate auditioning, do you also hate opportunities? That wouldn't make much sense."

"I haven't tucked a sock in my pants for three years."