"I wanted to work with Cate Blanchett. She is one of the five greatest movie actresses of her generation."

"Everybody I've ever worked with - 99.9 percent of the time, I've had a successful or very agreeable experience with."

"Ultraconservatism is, to me, so illogical. Everywhere you go, conservatives want to cut, cut, cut, cut - cut money for powerless people. So, that's the biggest problem I have with them."

"When I told my parents, 'I'm going to be an actor,' they screamed and wept and freaked out."

"I think I'm just like a lot of people who had nothing."

"I think I do want to go into politics. I really, really do. And I don't know if I will."

"I had a marriage that I came to in the same way everybody else comes to a marriage. We all take chances when we get married."

"When you're with someone, you want everything to be great. And that's the pressure that you put on, and what you just can't do."

"I don't want to be throwing the football on the front yard when I'm 75. I mean, I'm not opposed to men doing that. But I don't think it's gonna work for me."

"In the film business, when you're young, you just want to work. But when you're older, it has more to do with who's involved with the project - who you're going to get in the boat with."

"I consider myself a pretty good conversationalist, but you wind up being downgraded to idiot status when you don't speak the language!"

"Grown-ups yell. I don't know why, but they do."

"We all have that moment when we think, 'Hand me that Oscar now - you don't even have to have the ceremony'."

"The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it."

"The only preventative measure one can take is to live irregularly."

"Kill, Destroy, Sack, Tell lie; how much you want after victory nobody asks why? -- uncited source"

"To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens."

"Reading is not an end to itself, but a means to an end."

"The art of reading consists in remembering the essentials and forgetting non essentials."

"I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few."

"Words build bridges into unexplored regions."

"The victor will never be asked if he told the truth."

"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future."

"The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes"