"Without Knowledge, Skill cannot be focused. Without Skill, Strength cannot be brought to bear and without Strength, Knowledge may not be applied."

"His father is governor of Media, and though he has the greatest command given him of all the rest of my generals, he still covetously desires more, and my being without issue spurs him on to this wicked design. But Philotas takes wrong measures."

"I wish that the Indians believed me a god, for upon the report of an enemy's valor oftentimes depends the success of a battle, and false reports have many times done as great things as true courage and resolution."

"Soldiers, I had lately like to have been taken from you by the attempt of a few desperate men, but by the grace and providence of the gods, I am still preserved."

"May God keep you away from the venom of the cobra, the teeth of the tiger, and the revenge of the Afghans."

"Who does not desire such a victory by which we shall join places in our Kingdom, so far divided by nature, and for which we shall set up trophies in another conquered world?"

"If we turn our backs of the Scythians who have provoked us, how shamefully shall we march against the revolted Bactrians; but if we pass Tanais and make the Scythians feel, by dear experience, that we are invincible, not in Asia only, it is not to be doubted but that Europe itself, as well as Asia, will come within the bounds of our conquests."

"I had rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and dominion."

"For my own part, I would rather excel in knowledge of the highest secrets of philosophy than in arms."

"How should a man be capable of grooming his own horse, or of furbishing his own spear and helmet, if he allows himself to become unaccustomed to tending even his own person, which is his most treasured belonging?"

"Bury my body and don't build any monument. Keep my hands out so the people know the one who won the world had nothing in hand when he died."

"There's less critical thinking going on in this country on a Main Street level - forget about the media - than ever before. We've never needed people to think more critically than now, and they've taken a big nap."

"Success begets success. I've been offered a lot of movies now that '30 Rock' has been successful."

"I don't try to communicate with my 'audience'. I don't bother with that any more. I used to try to have conversations with people, but it's futile."

"Some days you're the kid with the stick, some days you're the pinata."

"The campaign finance scandal in America is the global warming of American political life - with cash substituting for deadly solar radiation."

"I think I'm just like a lot of people who had nothing. We had to amuse ourselves, so we had to become amusing."

"Soaps are the best. They really are. If you can do a soap, well, you can do anything. You have to learn pages of dialogue very quickly."

"Nobody cares about your autograph. There are cameras everywhere, and there are media outlets for them to 'file their story'."

"Getting older is hard."

"My wife is the greatest person I have ever known. She is just a living doll; she is great person and a great mom. We have a girl and a boy, and we are going to have another boy."

"I have been driven to the edge by parental alienation for many years now. You have to go through this to understand."

"I'm the kind of person who does not want to be anywhere that I'm not wanted."

"The wealthy don't have any sense of humor. It's not like the English, where the theater is perhaps the one place where they have a sense of humor about themselves."