"Love is a shooting star that lands in your heart, and lives forever."

"I think honesty is the most heroic quality one can aspire to."

"If everybody who had brains and doubts left Orthodoxy, we would be in a great deal of trouble."

"It's amazing how people can get so excited about a rocket to the moon and not give a damn about smog, oil leaks, the devastation of the environment with pesticides, hunger, disease. When the poor share some of the power that the affluent now monopolize, we will give a damn."

"Being able to go into Wimbledon and be part of an amazing atmosphere is special."

"To wait, for an actor, is not like someone who's waiting to see the doctor. It's not the kind of wait where you get bored."

"And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew, that one small head could carry all he knew."

"I've been noticing gravity since I was very young."

"Walking around on the moon was significantly easier than we'd thought it would be. There weren't any balance problems, so you weren't tumbling over."

"I know: If you're looking down at Earth, you're looking through an atmosphere that has a bit of haze in many places and not just occasional clouds."

"Now I work down at the carwash Where all it ever does is rain"

"We have a rich tradition here in the United States of great decathletes, which is amazing 'cause we have absolutely no program to develop these guys. Zero. There's nothing. They do it on their own, just like I did back in '76."

"Are you willing to give up what you love, for who you love?"

"It's evolution, man. Eventually the student becomes the teacher."

"I never want to look back on life and say I wish I did something, and I don't want anybody else to do that."

"I feel like you should be confident in whatever you do, and a lot of my new music [that's coming out] I want people to judge more so than the music I've put out recently, because I feel like it's really changed a lot."

"I think just dreaming big and having aspirations is important. So you know I want to be the greatest of all time at what I do and if you're not trying to be the greatest at what you do then you're not doing it for real."

"Man the life of a workaholic... You either on ya work or just workin on it."

"To live in the moment is truly an art and is truly a talent, because when you live in the moment then you are truly the master of your whole life and you'll have the best times."

"I just always stay honest with myself. All my stuff isn't boastful, but some of it is. But that's just the music, the art."

"I just always stay honest with myself. All my stuff isn't boastful, but some of it is. But that's just the music, the art."

"God made me in my beautiful form so I'm just trying to execute it."

"I don't judge too much as long as it's good. As long as it's good music and good artistry, I'm with it."

"Sometimes when you make good stuff and you love it, it gets outdated sometimes, because you've held on to it so long, you may not like it like you used to."