I could develop a picture by the time I was 12.

I never set out to be a photographer.

I hate being so nostalgic about the Sixties.

People want security in this insecure world.

All pictures are unnatural. All pictures are sad because they're about dead people. Paintings you don't think of in a special time or with a specific event. With photos I always think I'm looking at something dead.

It is a sign of a dull nature to occupy oneself deeply in matters that concern the body; for instance, to be over much occupied about exercise, about eating and drinking, about easing oneself, about sexual intercourse.

Fortunately I didn't get educated because if I'd got educated I'd be an educated fool now.

If I have any sexist feelings they are aimed at men: I hate manly men.

I was a terrible father. The most I ever did for my children was to teach them chess. At least they got that.

In France they don't think I'm difficult.

I didn't know I was going to live for 50 years. It has come as a shock.

I just thought it was magic that you could stick a bit of paper in some coffee-type liquid and a picture comes out.

The trouble with people like Tony Blair is they get confused, they think intelligence is education when they're two different things.

It always amazes me when people ask you to do something and then tell you how to do it.

I'm not political and I don't judge.

The only thing approaching art in a movie is the script.

I'm not really one for regrets.

I was dyslexic, so I was put in the silly class at school.

I didn't know a time when there wasn't a war because I spent all my time from the age of two or three to eight in a coal cellar really.

I've had some weird experiences.

I don't really like the term 'artist.' I'm not sure what it means. It's a bit like 'love.'

Every man who is high up loves to think that he has done it all himself; and the wife smiles, and lets it go at that.

It's not about composition. It's the way you feel about how your objects should relate to each other. I've got lots of African statues and things, and the cleaner arranges them like soldiers, which drives me mad. So I have to rearrange them, and I must drive her mad, because I'm doing anarchy and she's doing military manoeuvres.

I don't like any sport except boxing and bull fighting.