I love getting in the kitchen because I don't get the chance when I'm staying in hotels and on the road.

My signature dish is seafood lasagne - massive king prawns, smoked haddock, cod and a white sauce.

I'd adopt an older child, not a baby.

I danced with Courtney Act, which was absolutely fantastic.

Discovering that my great-great-grandfather Harry was Australasian clog-dancing champion in 1871 was extraordinary.

What would people be surprised to know about me? That I love cooking and chopping wood for the heating system in my house.

All my ex-boyfriends, bar one, are my best friends.

I'm a lovely person, considerate and loving.

I grew up with 'Chess' and the music from the show.

Don't get me wrong, I really like being a judge on 'Strictly.' But my first love and passion is directing and choreography and I will be doing that until the day I die.

I play the Wicked Queen in 'Snow White.' I'm not typecast. It's terrible. I should be Prince Charming.

For personality, you're not going to get better than Ricky Groves. He really goes for it.

Ricky Whittle is fabulous.

People tend to think when you're at the top, you need bashing down. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

With 'The X Factor' I think the audiences have lost faith and trust in it so that's its problem. You want to be watching something real and dynamic and something you can trust and believe in.

Sometimes people need to think of themselves as lions or tigers. Even panthers.

I met Prince Harry at Westminster and I want him to be my new boyfriend, but unfortunately I don't think it is going to happen.

I was bisexual for a long time. I flitted between men and women quite a lot between the ages of 17 and 26.

My wife Jane left me for another man. Then I fell in love with a bloke. I have been gay ever since.

I believe in civil partnerships as it protects each partner. Whether I believe in marriage is a different thing.

The Thorn Birds' by Colleen McCullough. I took it on a holiday to Greece and just fell in love with it.

I'm on Grindr, Scruff, Match.com. That's the way everyone meets these days, three of my friends have got married after meeting on Grindr.

Celebrity is worthless and useless, it takes away your privacy.

Strictly' is Saturday night fun. The pay's not amazing.