The only thing they can't teach you at art school is art.

I don't feel very optimistic in London.

The first half of the 20th century belongs to Picasso, and the second half is about photography. They said digital would kill photography because everyone can do it, but they said that about the box brownie in 1885 when it came out. It makes photography interesting because everyone thinks they can take a picture.

I always look at people and think how I would cast them.

It's only a few nutcases who do art for themselves, like Van Gogh.

Kate Moss is the best thing since Jean Shrimpton, really.

Rockers are the nicest people to photograph. They have no inhibitions.

I have always wanted to live in the present and never the past.

I've been used by women all my life, fortunately.

I always go for simplicity.

I won't do advertising if they bring a layout and say, 'This is what we want to do,' because anybody can do that; it's not interesting. They've got digital and the computer; it's not taking pictures, it's not magic - it's a picture done by committee.

John Parsons, the gay art director at 'Vogue,' really started my career.

In a way, a man's body is more beautiful than a woman's.

I don't think global warming is to do with us, I think it's a natural circle. I don't think a few Ferraris make that much difference.

Being dyslexic, I was told that I was an idiot all the time.

My paintings are rubbish.

Instead of putting someone in prison for being a hooligan, give him a choice. He may have beaten someone up and he's got eight years, but tell him you can do eight years inside or spend five years in the Army. Put him in the Parachute Regiment, they'd soon sort him out.

You adapt to who you're photographing.

Being trendy is dangerous. I've never been trendy, which is why I've never really fallen out of favour.

I've always tried to do pictures that don't date.

I was ten when I got my first serious beating. It was rough.

I don't see the point of photographing trees or rocks because they're there and anyone can photograph them if they're prepared to hang around and wait for the light.

My first influence obviously was Picasso.

I'm not a philosopher, I'm just a simple boy from East Ham.