My father was an amazing guy. Twenty years in the Navy, great father.

I'm just a normal guy and blue-collar historian, and people keep tuning in.

Everyone likes to learn history. They just don't like to hear it from a professor looking at notes. They like to hear it like it's from their uncle, and that's how I explain history.

We talk nonstop about what needs to be changed, and everyone has excuses for why the changes can't happen. I believe we must change our educational system first to get the changes moving forward. I'm happy to be a voice and get in front of an audience who can help by making education a priority.

The number one thing in this world that has brought people out of poverty is the ease of doing business. And it's getting harder and harder and harder. I mean, you basically have the Democrats out there saying I should pay more and more taxes on the profits I make.

What's normal life for the majority people of America, the liberal press thinks is like, 'Oh my gosh.' We don't live in that little, weird, bizarre vacuum of San Francisco.

I can make a bourbon and Coke, those types of drinks... If the ingredients are named in the drink, I can make it.

Most people don't realize how regulated the pawn industry is, especially where I'm at in Nevada.

I only sleep about four or five hours a night. I read all night long.

If you go to most pawn shops in Las Vegas, they will tell you exactly what they will pay for, say, an iPod. But if you show up with an 1833 ormolu clock, it won't pop up in their computer. They are going to tell you to go to Gold & Silver Pawn, because we buy weird things.

Socialism doesn't work. A big government doesn't work.

You have some cities that are saying that if you have a man who feels like he's a woman, he can use the women's restroom. I guarantee you that will be taken advantage of by some very bad men who want to go into a bathroom where there's young ladies. That will happen if you pass a law like that.

There's a gazillion different business license fees. And just keeping up with all the regulations - it just doesn't stop.

There's a reason why, when Reagan became president, he started getting rid of regulations, and we had a booming economy.

If the price is right, I will sell anything.

When you're the boss, you have no one else to turn to.

Being healthy is part of the happiness of life.

In the '90s, I went on eBay to buy some paddle tires for my four-wheeler ATV and couldn't find any. When I did find a manufacturer that sold them, I bought 20,000 and had no problem reselling them. So the next time you get mad when you can't find an item, realize there's a market waiting to be explored.

I'm a really spastic guy. I can't sit still.

Most people want a lot more from us than stuff is worth because they think we're extremely wealthy or something.

I was a really sick kid. I developed epilepsy when I was eight years old, and I would have violent seizures, and I would - literally, I couldn't get out of bed.

The show impacted our lives immediately. It is crazy. I can't watch the show. I get weirded out.

I'm one of those guys who believes in next to zero government. They just screw everything up.

The weird thing about the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop is that people come on vacation, and they bring stuff here to sell. They come here to see what we'll give them for it. Mostly, it's people from out of town.