Trust me: I know a good investment when I see one.

You have to have what your customers need because if you don't have what your customers need, you're not going to have customers.

I am just a normal guy, and suddenly I am really, really famous. It's definitely got its perks; I never have to wait in line at a restaurant.

The more money you make, the more times people sue you.

There's a million things wrong with government that need to get fixed, but none of its ever going to get fixed unless we start educating our children better.

I believe that capitalism is the one thing in this world that's brought people out of poverty.

I'm a Trump guy.

My dad had always bought and sold gold and other stuff. In '81, he went broke because of real estate, so he moved us to Vegas and opened a small second-hand store. We always wanted a pawn license because there's a lot more money in that.

I'm not that cool; I'm just a bookworm.

I read science books, chemistry books, history books. I read that stuff for fun.

Some politicians are in so long they completely lose touch with reality.

Most people don't realize the amount of tax forms the small business guy has to go through.

I want my kids, my grandkids to have a great life.

In my store, I don't do anything political. There are no signs up, and I'm not pushing anyone.

Never fall in love with something when you're negotiating a price. Never decide you're going to buy something because you can't live without it. Negotiating to buy an item shouldn't be an emotional process.

Once, an unkempt, elderly woman came into the pawn shop. She appeared homeless, and she insisted on seeing every piece of expensive jewelry in the store. Just when I was feeling impatient, the woman pointed at the most expensive piece of jewelry and said, 'I'll take that one.' Then she proceeded to pull $4,000 out of her sock to pay for it.

I tell everyone that works for me not to look down on people. If you're nice to people and take a minute to talk with them, it's good for business whether or not they buy anything. Just because they don't look like they have money doesn't mean they're poor.

The short form, speed, and consistency of communication by Trump beat Clinton's nuanced, detailed, and long-form communication. Trump came across as more genuine, Clinton as less than transparent. Trump engaged directly with his community; Clinton spoke through the media in a careful and less frequent manner.

There was a near-universal set of editorial endorsements of Clinton. Trump used this disparity to his advantage, to claim media bias and unify his base of supporters.

The best creative no longer has to originate in Chicago or London; it will be coming from Stockholm, Tokyo, and Seoul as well.

The historic quarrels between Japan and Korea pale in importance to the bigger question of extent of U.S. commitment to the defense of the region.

We must be able to appeal to the CCO and CMO with programs that have purpose at the core, that start movements and solicit views of the core community of brand supporters.

Trump has moved campaigns into a post-advertising era with a total reversal of spend from paid to earned media.

We can't, nor should we try, to influence who our employees vote for, but facilitating their involvement in civic action is better for business, better for our people, and better for our government institutions.