You can have a soda every once in awhile, but don't drink a gallon of it a day.

I bought a 1200-year-old Viking bracelet once.

I do realize that television shows end.

It's the only pawnshop I know that's got real Picassos hanging on the wall. I have Salvador Dalis on the wall. I have LeRoy Neimans.

My wife got all freaked out when we started doing the reality show because she said she saw all these reality shows, and everyone was getting divorced.

There are a lot of weird things you might find in your basement or your attic that may have a lot of value.

I read a book every night. I really am that nerd, so when I get to go to the Smithsonian and get to go in the back rooms and play with stuff, things like that, for a guy like me, that's amazing.

I meet celebrities all the time, but I have no idea who they are because I don't watch television.

I probably have 15 to 20 Dalis in the store. The secret to buying Dali - never buy one made after 1970.

I discovered at age 13 that if a spoon had 'Sterling' on the back, it was worth money. I'd run around a swap meet and find 20 in a day, make 75 to 100 bucks by finding silver spoons.

I'm a dad with six kids, and I'm trying to teach each of them a little bit of morality.

If the economy is bad, I might be bringing a lot of things in, but it's difficult to sell, and the opposite when the economy is good.

I realized that I needed to start taking better care of myself.

Making money is my third or fourth most favorite thing in the world.

I've worked with and talked to poor people my entire life, being in the pawn shop business.

I have people coming to me with endorsements all the time. I've turned down endorsements well over $1 million because I didn't like the company.

The part I hate is when we go out to eat. My youngest son, who's 11, doesn't like to eat in more fancy restaurants, so we often go out to places like Red Robin and such. Well, as you can imagine, in that kind of place I probably have to jump up about 10 times during a meal to take a picture with somebody or sign an autograph.

Most of those who pawn things and want to borrow money don't want to be on television. That part of my business you don't see, and I do five or 10 times as much.

Five or 10 years from now, people are going to be sitting around going, 'Wasn't there a show about four fat guys in a pawn shop?' And I am sitting on this really nice piece of property on Las Vegas Boulevard. Why not?

Governments have a tendency to screw up currencies.

Eventually, we have to make a good business environment in this country.

Meeting Ronnie Montrose - that was pretty cool.

'Game of Thrones' really is an amazing series. Political intrigue, and then they throw in a little magic. I mean, it's got a dragon in it.

For years, I pitched a reality show because I thought it would be good for business.