I wrestled all over the world, in carnivals and tents in Europe and in Japan over 50 times.

Presidential scandals have traditionally and historically no effect on the market.

Government needs to stay out of nearly everything.

You look at right-to-work states: a lot of car companies are relocating down to the South so they don't have to deal with the unions or the legacy cost or any of those things, and that's what manufacturing's done.

Invest in good, solid companies in good sectors.

Colleges take kids' money. It's that simple.

The major thing of our government is to protect the people.

Most of my promos are straight out of Pat Buchanan's run for election.

When I started, guys were hazed, and for good reason.

Did I haze the Miz? Hell yes!

A lot of people want to talk about me and my hazing. Yes, I did. I make no apologies about it whatsoever.

There is so much talent! Now, we may not have at the moment that transcendent next-level 'Stone Cold' or The Rock, but I assure you, they're there.

I think The Miz can be a terrific heel. Miz enjoys being a heel, and I think he's actually very good at it. People look at him and want to hate him. That's what you want.

I think, Randy Orton, he has obviously been around a long time, but I think Randy Orton can be a terrific heel.

I don't think people realize how good Fit Finlay was. He was the best heel and probably the best worker I'd ever seen.

Texas was a hotbed for professional wrestling when I was growing up.

If you have a problem, the NYPD is the greatest police force to the world.

Triple H and I have wrestled many, many times, but never on a real meaningful stage. I would really enjoy that.

I draw the line between me and my character.

I feel very strongly about our flag and our country.

We must deal with Chinese theft of intellectual property, though no one is sure that tariffs are the solution.

We've always gone to other countries where there's been different standards and different practices you have to adhere to. WWE is like any other company, a global company.

I've spent 7 Christmases in Iraq and Afghanistan with WWE.

When I first retired, I had short-term memory loss, and I started reading about neuroplasticity in the brain, about how the brain can regenerate itself, and I don't know if it can or not.