I went to work on Wall Street for about three or four years with an investment bank, got certified: series 3, series 7, and all this stuff.

I played a little pro football, didn't make much money.

I tore my biceps and had two hernia surgeries.

Shawn Michaels I just think the world of. I would love the opportunity to be in a meaningful match with him.

It's been a part of my entire life: I've wanted to be a wrestler since I was a little kid. I don't think that ever leaves you.

I'm a kid from a small town in West Texas, and I've gotten to travel the world. I got to live all over the world.

That's one of my issues with the pharmaceutical industry - they believe pharmacy is a panacea for absolutely everything.

The biggest rivalries I've had were with Eddie Guerrero and The Undertaker. I had long, long feuds with both of these men, and both were groomsmen at my wedding.

I fly every single week, sometimes up to four days a week, and I see incredible inconsistencies in TSA throughout our country.

I had some physical problems with my back that caused me just some really bad problems.

We knew that AJ Styles might be the best in the world. We didn't realize that until he got to WWE.

Money goes where it's rewarded. Money goes where it is needed the most.

'Stone Cold' came in with a monster push as 'The Ringmaster' with Ted DiBiase. That didn't work out.

I don't know what happened to the millennials. I think too much coddling is not a good thing.

I had seen the ethos of rugby, and I was very much an admirer. For us, it's a beautiful sport, what I guess what Pele called soccer in Brazil. It's so simple; it's easy to understand. You can play five on five or 15 on 15.

When I got hurt - I broke my back in a match in London, England - I had to retire and became just a commentator.

I work with kids every day, and I preach to them how much more they make and how much easier it is to get a job when they get a college education.

Brexit is a disaster, Italy won't be real about its debt, and the European Union is in trouble.

I'm doing cardio five days a week and will do anywhere from 30 minutes up to an hour each session, but never under 30 minutes.

You want to get something changed, you send sport. Look what happened when Pee Wee Reese puts his arm around Jackie Robinson. That did more for racial relations in the United States through sport.

You want to change Saudi Arabia? You send something like WWE.

Rugby is just a ball. I would be much more versed to coach American football, but you need 22 players and all of the equipment. With rugby, all you need is some green grass, a ball, and a bunch of kids who want to run into each other really hard, which they enjoy.

So if you ask those people who say they're standing up to boo Roman Reigns because, 'We don't like him,' 'Okay, would you pay to see Roman Reigns get beat?' 'Oh, absolutely! I'd love to see him get beat.' He's doing his job because people pay to see him.

My belief is that the U.S. is looking at the world through a short-term lens of tariffs and elections, while China is looking at a 25-year plan of becoming the dominant global power.