Ron Simmons had a lot to do with Rock's success.

The JBL character, I had had in mind for a long time, a character very similar.

You can't use the tax code as a penal system because you don't like what a country is doing.

The problem is the for-profit colleges. These guys are absolute criminals.

I do a mind game every day. I play chess, sudoku. I learn something different: a language, a few words of a different language.

The 'One Belt, One Road' initiative has been dismissed by some as not working. But America could be becoming weaker by ignoring what is going on right under our noses.

If we had an immigration policy, sanctuary cities would not be the symptom that manifests itself.

I'm supposed to incite the crowd.

You can't be critical of Dana White.

Why is it a badge of honour to say you spent 15 years in AA ball?

To me, you get into this business to make money and to make a name for yourself. And the fact that you're on the indies for 15 years is not a badge of honor.

If you're selling t-shirts as a heel - you're selling them - then you've failed miserably.

If a guy has served time and served his sentence, he deserves the right to gainful employment, but he does not deserve the right to be put at the front of the list.

Do you want to talk about matches that matter? Randy Orton can go out there, John Cena can go out there, AJ Styles can go out there and put together matches that matter and not have to do silly dives because they don't know how to work.

When I got cut from the National Football League, I had nowhere to go. I moved in with my parents until I got on my feet again.

Whether you love him or whether you hate him, Roman Reigns has earned his spot, and I'm hot at all these little crybabies out there going, 'We just stand up and boo him because we really don't like him.' Oh, really?

You look at something like Russia, or you look at something like China, where you actually allow free markets to go in. And you haven't seen the change that we, in the western world, would probably like. You still have a bit of a dictatorship - some people would say more than a bit of a dictatorship - in Russia and in China.

Walmart is going to be very good at this e-commerce game.

When I was a kid, I always dreamed about climbing mountains. I read every book about it. I formulated this plan to accomplish it.

When people are able to live at home, they have more disposable income. That part is good for the economy.

I told myself after my football career was over that if I ever started making good money again, I would invest it wisely.

Second homes are an investment.

When the Miz came in, most of the hazing was me working. Me on the mic, me talking to him. I gave him as much advice as I possibly could because I thought he had the ability to be a good heel. But I'm not going to apologize for hazing him.

I didn't have a ton of success as Justin Hawk Bradshaw, but it wasn't a failure, either.