This idea of, there's a locked door; how do you open it? You don't necessarily care what's behind it; you're just more excited about opening the lock... It's not about finding the treasure; it's more about defeating the puzzle.

Eating well and staying active is the necessary base to a clear complexion and a healthy body and mind.

I have been interested in beauty from an early age. My sister used to put face masks on me and do me up with my mother's makeup!

It's unrealistic not to be able to indulge.

I live a normal lifestyle, but I try to make healthy decisions while doing it.

I work out all the time, but because it's good for my mental state.

I don't really use fragrance. I use essential oils, but not necessarily every day.

I'm prone to breaking out on my chest and back because I work out a lot.

I struggle with candida - usually it manifests on the skin and can be so pesty, painful, and irritating! It also feeds off sugar and gluten and is nearly impossible to rid yourself of.

With workout classes, I always want to know that I can improve with each class I take. But I don't think I'll ever master the art of peddling quickly with little resistance, at least not without feeling like I'm going to fly off the bike.

I can count on one hand the number of times I've done SoulCycle. I was not soul'd.

I try to only go out twice a week. More than that would leave me feeling pretty run down.

I normally do a workout in the morning so I have the rest of my day to do what I want.

I went to a private girls' school where I was one out of five girls in the class who looked like me.

I came from a family where if you say you're going to do something, then you do it, and you do it well.

I definitely have a lot of ambition.

My whole shtick is that I want to contribute to New York's culture via restaurants, nightlife, whatever... but to be more conscious, more aware, more sustainable. It's more than just 'being responsible as a culture.' It's having an ethical chain of production.

I feel comfortable in my skin, so it doesn't matter what I wear or how I look. Confidence is my best accessory.

I believe that what I am putting into my body is just as important as what I am putting on my body.

I've always been about the balance - not sacrificing one thing for the other and not being an extremist.

If I'm running on my own, no one's holding me accountable, so I will stop and walk.

I come from a musical family but never tapped into it until I was thrown into a DJing gig during college.

Art is definitely a passion of mine, but one that I couldn't afford to keep-up post-graduation, so I turned to DJing to pay the bills.

I'm a firm believer that you don't have to pick one career path.