I remember the first thing I ever tried was the 'eating food for your blood type' diet. It didn't work for me. It left me fatigued and constantly tired.

I've always been like a guinea pig when it comes to health trends.

Sometimes I would buy two of the same thing just to give my friends.

I used to have an online-shopping problem.

I'm an analytics girl.

People think that because I have dark skin that I don't need to put on SPF! Wrong!

I didn't get acne until after college, and I was very concerned, not only because I didn't have the discipline to not pick at my face but then that would lead to scarring and more acne - it's a vicious cycle that can be broken!

When I shaved part of my head in 2007, I was not an anticipating the grow-out process.

I'm a member at Equinox because I love the classes. I also enjoy hiking, swimming, and skiing.

I'm a huge foodie, but I'm also very conscious about what I put in my body.

My mother raised me as a vegetarian, but when I turned 18, I decided to expand my palate.

My mom taught me every dance move I've ever known to the Motown hits.

Dates are great because they're a high-energy fruit with a lot of fiber.

Almond Mylk is a great source of omega fatty acids and fiber without being high in fat.

Adding chlorella and chlorophyll to your smoothie gives you the benefits of leafy greens in their most raw form.

I was a kid of the '90s, so I was always inspired by Gwen Stefani, especially the 'Spider Web' video.

My biggest issue is hyperpigmentation and evening out my skin tone.

When I have dinner, I get off my phone, smell my food, and chew it well.

Goals give us purpose, which, in turn, motivates us to make ourselves the best version in all aspects of your life.

The houses in Mustique are styled with incredible decor. I vacationed there as a kid and have the fondest memories.

It is very important to moisturize your body! Your skin has a better glow when it's hydrated.

If you want to achieve something, you're going to run into roadblocks, but you have to learn how to pivot and explore your options.

I'm always trying to find the balance between diet and fitness that will make my brain function at its optimum. What I discovered works for me is no refined sugars, processed foods, wheat, and dairy - that's when I'm functioning at my best.

If you don't work through the things that haunt you early, they'll stay with you for the rest of your life.