I feel like 2015 is the year of wellness.

'Castles Made of Sand' was a song that my parents put me to sleep to, so naturally, it still puts me in a zen state.

I DJ a lot of night events - sometimes I may work 3 nights a week, and some weeks I don't work at all; other times, I'm working every night.

There was always Helmut Newton coffee table books around when I was growing up.

I'm creating my own future.

Don't be too close-minded, and don't think there's only one way to get to where you want to be. There are a thousand ways to get there, and if one way doesn't work, try the other.

The way I see it, any attention I get, for whatever reason, just draws more eyes to the causes that I believe in.

Don't get married to the idea of something having to be one way.

Bananas are the base of all my smoothies! They are packed with potassium and give a solid base flavor.

If I'm wearing a vintage '50s-style dress, I'll wear some funky, wild shoes by a contemporary designer.

Cinnamon is a super-food that lowers cholesterol and is anti-cancerous.

I try to drink lots of water and tea before bed.

When you really listen to what your body is telling you, it's easy to treat it well. For example, if my fingernails are weak, I know I need more calcium. If I have dry skin, I'm dehydrated or need to exfoliate.

I consider fitness, diet, and beauty to be essential to a balanced self.

My mother is an African-American from the South Side of Chicago who married a white guy in 1978. She was hyperaware of racism and made me aware of that.

Vanilla is anti-inflammatory and reduces free radicals.

I feel like as you blossom more, you become more mature, and I'm definitely excited for whatever life has to throw at me, and knowing me, I'm definitely going to be sharing it all.

Ultimately, I want people to be inspired to go on their own journey of self-discovery.

I love everything from The Rolling Stones to Run-DMC to Nina Simone.

I get a lymphatic massage every two weeks, and afterward, I have more energy and brighter skin.

On the lids, I stick to browns and golds. It doesn't look like I'm wearing a lot on my eyes, but I don't really know how to do a smoky eye, so I just try and keep it pretty easy.

I want to share knowledge about things I've learned over the years with a younger generation that is seeking the truth.

To unwind, I like to have a relaxing bath.

Vintage never fits the way you think it will.