A large part of my career achievements are due to having the courage to ask for what I needed, whether in a professional or personal context.

It is important that women have the opportunity to balance different priorities at different stages in their career.

Deloitte Catalyst is enabling Deloitte and our clients to more easily tap the power of innovation.

By adding support for eldercare, spousal care, and children beyond the birth stage, Deloitte's family leave program provides our people with the time they need to focus on their families in important times of need.

Impact Day is just one part of the hundreds of thousands of volunteer, pro bono, and professional training hours Deloitte offers to nonprofit organizations nationwide throughout the year. It's a day to celebrate all we do to make an impact that matters in the communities where we live and work.

Each year on Impact Day, I love seeing our people fill classrooms, parks, and training centers to make a difference in communities across the country.

We share the USTA's vision to promote and expand the game of tennis. I have been playing the game since I was 6 years old with my dad and five brothers, so I know firsthand how it teaches life lessons: integrity, dedication, and competitiveness.

Golf instills incredible values, including collaboration, competitiveness, and integrity.

Even if you've never picked up a club, or if you've been playing for a long time, there's always something new to learn from playing golf. That's the beauty of the game. You never stop learning.

Women shouldn't aspire to a box or a title. They should look toward being leaders.

Don't let 'having it all' be defined by someone else.

Deloitte University is really about leadership development. Our people love it!

Decisions made centrally, thousands of miles from the markets clients are operating in, will likely not be as attuned to local market realities.

Technological advances are changing what clients need, the services we provide, and how we interact with them.

I wouldn't be a CEO today if I didn't do different things to build capabilities and build experiences because to come a leader, you need varied experiences.

As you think about the workforce of the future, women and minorities are such an important part of that future.

To take women's equality from novelty to norm, we need to change narratives at a societal and individual level.

In the global marketplace, women remain the most untapped natural resource.

I've been fortunate in life to benefit from family, educators, work colleagues, and a set of mentors and sponsors, all of whom did not hesitate to offer and support me with every opportunity to achieve what I set out to do.

To be sure, technology will change what we do. Tasks that are highly manual, routine, and predictable will be automated. But jobs are made up of many tasks. So the nature of existing jobs will change, and new careers will be created.

We're all drowning in data. We all need moments of recovery. For me, that includes not going right to my phone when I wake up in the morning.

I was a Division I college athlete, and I grew up with five brothers and two sisters. I've always been a competitor.

Ultimately, this is about having fun at work. You want to enjoy your job. You're going to have higher-performing employees.

Sponsorship is sometimes about people behind the scenes who are sitting in rooms determining your assignments and your next career step, and you don't even know who they are.