Video is the most interesting and engaging way to share an idea with others.

YouTube is committed to balancing the needs of the fan community with those of copyright holders.

I look at building business as a creative process that I enjoy.

I think Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are the cornerstones of any social media strategy.

People just don't sit down and just watch TV at night. Between cellphones, television, video games, the Internet and instant messaging, people are just spending their time in different places.

There's something very satisfying about creating a tactile product.

The iPhone will maybe become more of a video-conferencing experience - you pick up your phone, you answer it, you'll be talking to someone looking at their face.

People think about the world of TV and the world of online video as being different ways to distribute video. But what happens when every TV is connected to wi-fi with a browser?

To some extent, being an entrepreneur is a lonely journey.

Video is universal and allows people around the world to communicate and exchange ideas.

Advertisers now have a highly targeted opportunity for aligning their brands alongside the entertainment experience people are enjoying on YouTube.

The biggest barrier for women is the thought that they can't have it all.

We have to not be afraid to say no.

I joined a very male-dominated profession back in 1986. I wanted to work with big multinational Fortune 500 companies, but you don't come into the firm and automatically get those. So, quite frankly, a key to my success was that I found male mentors and male sponsors. I think some women are afraid to say that.

Being the first female CEO of one of the Big Four, I certainly intend to pay it forward.

What's important about my election into the CEO role at Deloitte is to provide a role model for the next generation of diverse leaders at Deloitte.

I'm deeply honored to lead Deloitte. I look forward to collaborating with all our people to continue to lead our profession in quality and innovation. Together, we make an impact that matters every day for our clients, the capital markets, communities, and society.

My path has been, I think, a path a lot of women can foresee themselves taking.

Putting our heads in the sand won't stop the inexorable advancement of technology.

Consider one possible future that could occur soon, where autonomous trucks travel highways with a human 'monitor' in the cab who can assist with particularly challenging driving like navigating city centres and ensure goods are delivered safely.

In general, there will likely be an expanding market around mobility management services that could offer incremental job growth.

There will be new businesses that will digitally enable the planning and consumption of passenger and goods movement to be more efficient, enjoyable, productive, safer, cleaner, and cheaper. That could mean everything from maintaining vehicle fleets to remote monitoring.

The digital economy is impacting us in a big way.

Mentors and sponsors, particularly in the early stages of my career, were invaluable to me because they encouraged me to raise my hand and take opportunities to build my capabilities.