The whole purpose of MixBit is to reuse the content within the system.

I think a lot of people may have a unique insight or some idea that they feel could be a great solution for a particular problem, but for some reason never have a chance to try or never have the courage or maybe the self-doubt. Really, it's best just to remain naive and continue to work on things and see if people have the same problems.

Google is basically this idea that sites that link to other sites create a better way to search.

I think the success around any product is really about subtle insights. You need a great product and a bigger vision to execute against, but it's really those small things that make the big difference.

Napster was a black market for music. Ninety-nine per cent of the music that people were downloading was illegal because they didn't have the rights for it.

I think you will see a point where the traditional model of advertising on TV or advertising online will go, and advertisers will cover one programme, no matter what platform it's being broadcast on. You'll see the same ads whether you are watching it on your TV, your computer or your phone.

When people are making the decision to put a piece of content online, they really do truly want to get it in front of the largest audience.

I love video.

Content begets content.

Unfortunately, I think YouTube is going down the route of rewarding the select few around content creation, be it with partnerships or with ways of funding original content.

People want to see something authentic. If it's too polished and highly produced, people might not trust it as much. If it's grainy, if it's coming from a webcam, if it's someone standing there and talking their mind or sharing their thoughts, people trust it much more.

Whenever you're the leader in any industry, you get more headlines.

There's always going to be a place for YouTube.

Video gives people a voice.

YouTube and other sites will bring together all the diverse media which matters to you, from videos of family and friends to news, music, sports, cooking and much, much more.

I think a platform such as YouTube has to respect local laws and customs.

Facebook and Twitter have a ton of information they're trying to make sense of.

Running helped me learn how to deal with failure, and failure is a big part of the Internet business.

When I started running cross-country and track in high school, literally every race was a failure.

By delivering a wide array of programming to YouTube, the NBA will be able to connect with its existing worldwide fan base and reach a vast new audience that is passionate about basketball.

YouTube provides a unique opportunity for all musicians to market and promote their music and directly engage their fans.

Consumers are increasingly programming their own entertainment and content experiences.

More than simply capturing brief moments in time, MixBit helps people bring stories to life.

EMI is a proven leader in the emerging digital music landscape and one of the world's largest and most respected music companies.