To see how YouTube has become part of pop culture, it's been just amazing.

With YouTube - with the Internet in general - you have information overload. The people who don't necessarily get credit are the curators.

In Delicious's case, it's a great brand that belongs in Silicon Valley.

Approach your business partners with concepts that they can get their heads around, and try to respond to their needs.

Launch your product or service before you have funding. See how people respond to it before you have a PowerPoint and business plan - have something people can use, and go from there.

I have the Sony Reader; I have the Kindle as well. I don't really use either of them, to be honest. I'd rather sit down with a cup of coffee and a newspaper than read all my digital books.

There are a handful of talented individuals that are always going to do a better job. If you look at the amount of TV shows or movies, there's only a handful that rise to the top.

From time to time, I've experimented with sculpture or metal design. It's a good break from just sitting behind the keyboard.

CBS has received a strong and positive response from the YouTube community about the quality of its programming.

The iPad - is that a phone or a computer? If I put it on my wall is it a TV?

The one thing with the established and traditional media industries is that whenever something new comes along, they don't know what to make of it, and the natural reaction is to fight it or push back.

When you have a group of engineers and designers, they are not exactly the best to deal with copyright law.

I'm an NFL guy.

I was one of those kids who took apart their toys to see how they work, just to see what they were made up of.

As long as I can remember, I was drawing or trying to create something.

In the Internet world, especially in Silicon Valley, everyone is at the ready all the time, and turnaround is relatively short, if not instant.

Today, technology asks too much of people.

Me, personally, I don't upload video to YouTube.

I try to absorb all types of style and design. I don't try and restrict my thinking. I enjoy the old and the new. You need that broad perspective to create something different.

YouTube is becoming much more than an entertainment destination.

You launch a site, and you see what works, and you continue to make it better.

Clothing, and the products that you buy, are really about how they make you feel.

The telecom industry pretends like it's not getting paid.

Everyone wants to be recognized.