You can maintain work-life balance even while pursuing careers.

I always believe that, as you start out, while you should have a big dream - a big goal - but it's also important to move step by step. So, you know, frankly, if you ask me, when I started as a management trainee in 1984, I don't know that I really thought that I would become the CEO.

India's growth drivers are actually two growth drivers. One is consumption, which arises out of our demographic advantage. And the other is the investments. Because we need a lot of investment in the country.

To reap this demographic dividend, we need to enable the youth to acquire skills required to get the job or become self-employed.

Take destiny in your own hands.

Even if it does not become cashless economy, it will become a less cash economy, and I think that itself is going to be a good and big achievement, and I think we are, as a country, gone through many of large changes, and ICICI has been a leader in many of them.

Adaptability is a great asset to have because life is so unpredictable, and things can change overnight for any of us.

Thankfully I have an ecosystem of in-laws, parents and husband, who are my rocks.

Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete.

When you have a model that's worked very well, it's very hard to change.

Fashion brands looking for explosive growth go the wholesale route, to get their products into stores, but then they end up relying on those sales.

I basically watch videos online all day long.

Many large brands are now just marketing machines for what's being made offshore.

No matter what industry you're in, there will be naysayers. So you have to be your own champion.

If something excites you, go for it.

I'm probably not creative or talented enough to create an especially compelling piece of content, but I really do enjoy watching a great movie or TV show.

I feel like there's a lot of noise in the social space. The Vines and Instagrams of the world are gaining traction, and their solutions are perfect for their communities.

If you're creating an entertainment site, you want the content to be the star.

Google has a great product. They've built a great business.

When you limit the length of the video to something under two minutes, it gives everyday people an opportunity to make something entertaining. It's harder to tell a story or create an entertaining piece of content that is based around the time slot model, television shows being 22 minutes long.

There's not really any safe places on the Internet.

I love my baseball, and I love my Phillies.

Football has limited success in Europe.

The power of digital distribution over physical retail outlets is you have a chance to create a global audience.