We should all be allies to ideas or people or initiatives that we don't necessarily have a real knowledge in.

I don't expect anyone who doesn't look like me to fix my problems.

I always do what I'm most interested in first.

You gotta go with your gut. It will never steer you wrong.

Music inspires some feeling in you. That's the same way I think about Uber.

Don't let the myths make you believe that women don't support other women.

At 13, I learned what it meant to walk into a room and not care what everybody thinks of you.

You can't control everything.

For me, pop culture is very fluid: it's music, it's movies, it's books, it's art, it's tech, it's so many things - and as marketing and brand advocates, we should be able to to take products and services and match them to what's happening in pop culture.

I feel really proud of the work I did at Apple Music, and I don't take anything away from it that's negative at all.

I really did enjoy my time at Apple - it's a great company, and I really loved building Apple Music.

I think diversity and having women and people of color in key positions is really important.

Being a black woman in America and the world and in corporate situations is something to be celebrated.

We all know this: Music is such a fundamental part of life.

I love Apple Music. I helped build Apple Music. It will always be a very, very big part of my life and part of the journey.

The number of African Americans in Silicon Valley is dismal. It's not up to one company - it's up to the entire industry to make sure that we are moving the conversation forward. Sometimes those walls of competition need to come down so we can move the entire industry forward.

I want white men to look around in their office and say, 'Oh, look, there's a lot of white men here. Let's change this.'

Even though society has come a long way in correcting the inequalities between men and women in the workplace, it still has to be said that women are oftentimes subconsciously playing to the gender roles which we are taught from birth.

My job is about emotion. My job is about feeling. This might be controversial to say, but I feel like sometimes data gets in the way of that.

I don't have to be an engineer to understand we need female engineers.

It's important to be an ally. You don't have to be a black woman to think we should have more black women in tech.

I can't be in an environment that is not conducive to me as a black woman.

I want to be something that is worthy to be bragged about.

Marketers sometimes get caught in this lie that you must talk to people only in the voice that they recognize.