I've been told that I overshare. Sometimes I get criticized for it, but how else would I be if not all of me?

When I was growing up, the brands that were most powerful were people brands, like Michael Jackson or Madonna. They stood for something that, perhaps, wasn't wholly who they were, which then became an image that they sold. That's still a brand to me.

Part of our human nature is finding new ways of being.

Brands mean different things for different generations.

I do think brands are like people.

It's important to stay humble.

It will be very hard to convince everyone in the world to handle their plastics responsibly, but what we humans are very good in, is inventing technical solutions to our problems.

To catch the plastic, act like the plastic.

The legacy, the waste, is mostly in international waters that are sort of in no man's land and thus considered to be no one nation's problem.

The winning concept is the slow-down approach, in which we use a parachute anchor to slow down the system as much as possible, allowing the natural winds and waves to push the plastic into the system.

It's never really fun to be in the public spotlight.

There are already dozens of organizations working on trying to prevent plastic from going into the ocean, through advocacy, education, awareness, all great work, yet nobody was addressing the stock of existing pollution.

We started solely concentrating on cleaning up the Garbage Patch because we felt it was the most neglected part of the spectrum of solutions.

It was a long journey, but it was also a relief to see that first plastic being caught.

Taking care of the world's ocean garbage problem is one of the largest environmental challenges mankind faces today.

You need a group of people who will continually realize that you will run into problems, and for each you will have hundreds or thousands of ways you can approach it.

It's a very strange experience to be four or five days from the closest point of land, and you see more plastic than life.

To truly rid the oceans of plastic, what we need to do is two things: One, we need to clean up the legacy pollution, the stuff that has been accumulating for decades and doesn't go away by itself. But, two, we need to close the tap, which means preventing more plastic from reaching the oceans in the first place.

Rivers are the arteries that carry the trash from land to sea.

You solve a problem then get a new one in return.

We're driving the largest cleanup in history.

The way the clean-up system works is that we let the plastic come to us, using the ocean currents in our advantage.

Basically I have a fleet of cleanup systems floating around, up to 50 that we plan on deploying.

We might work on ways to prevent plastic getting into the ocean in the first place.