At school, I could talk about what other kids were talking about. Maybe I wouldn't seem so strange if I connected with them on the level they were used to.

I want things to be great for people of color and for women.

Bring your whole self to work because, that way, you can bring full ideas and the wholeness of your unique abilities.

Passion should meet your professional life, and I'm a living, breathing testament to that.

Pop culture and entertainment can be dismissed as surface, but it's not. It's the language we all speak, and it's the connection point between people all over the world.

Working at Uber, I see opportunity and potential.

I've never made a move that I didn't feel was right in my gut.

I think women have a unique talent for being able to see the forest and the trees at the same time.

I don't fear challenge.

Apple is a unique company in that the art and the science sit together very nicely. There's an appreciation for both sides of the brain.

Apple Music is a living, breathing brand.

Obviously, as a marketer, I love to work with brands that aren't static, that have life and personality.

I've broken through many walls and glass ceilings.

It's our job as marketers and brand professionals to nurture the brand and calm it down when it's angry and to encourage when it's trying to grow.

I'm a woman. I'm black. I am passionate. I am transparent.

I want to hear LeBron James's Uber stories.

I think it's interesting how you can associate a creative brand with a human being and use some of the good qualities of the human being and make it like a really tangible product that a lot of people can love.

I'm such a brand nerd.

I believe in manifesting the words that are coming out of my mouth. I'm very careful with what I say because the intention is then out in the universe.

I want to listen to my Apple Music on my iPhone. I also want to listen to it on my iPad. I want to play it on my Apple TV; I want to be connected everywhere I go. It fits into the puzzle of everything that is Apple, and, therefore, it should not be seen as some sort of separate entity that is trying to find its way.

Human curation allows you to have the emotion and feel music, because it is a very emotional thing. It makes you feel happy; it helps you when you are feeling sad, gets you pumped up, calms you down.

Any criticism, you should pay attention to. Whether you accept it and change or you take it and move on is the choice, but criticism is not a bad thing.

If you are in a hiring position, hire someone that is nothing like you. We keep looking for the commonalities, but find someone with commonalities that are nothing like you.

There is something to be said about taking the risk. We all know that is where the greatest reward is.