Even now, when people ask me, 'Why did you take the job at Uber?' I say because my gut told me to.

I don't think it's any secret that there's a lack of diversity in Silicon Valley. But that, to me, is actually quite beautiful. It allows me to be fully me because there is no one else to look at and say, 'Oh, I should be more like that.'

Live today as if you don't have tomorrow: my husband was diagnosed and killed by cancer within six months.

Instagram is a blessing - I love to post about everything I'm doing. The explore page is magical.

I'm living out my dreams every day.

I bite my nails.

When I first walked into Uber, it was very difficult because people were unsure about what was going to happen - there was a real sense of powerlessness.

The adage is true: Walk a mile in my shoes - or drive a mile in my car. There is nothing quite like sitting in the seat yourself.

Everyone is going to be skeptical if they don't know what is happening.

It's very personal to me and doesn't work for everybody, but what I have found in my experience is that when I make pro and con lists, it's usually because I am trying to talk myself out of a good idea or talk myself into a really bad one.

I think a lot of women have felt really powerless.

If I can be in a position of power and influence, and be able to make my present better, then I want to do that.

I don't know if I'm ever considered a part of the community I'm in.

Companies can change. Culture can change.

Bringing your whole self to work is the mantra for me as I sit in my office and do the work, and it's also the mantra as I look out at the community that I'm trying to brand for Uber.

I'm following the path that was destined for me.

I've never taken the easy route. I don't even know what that is!

I've worked hard for my life. No one gave me anything.

When I was in the 10th grade, I decided to run for a position on the student council with the campaign slogan 'Nuthin but a Boz thang,' so you might say joining Beats Music is like coming full circle.

I have known Tiffany R. Warren for many years, and we have always shared the goal to promote diversity and inclusion in the creative industries.

We have to find ways to create content that folks want to see.

I'm a great napper. I nap in a lot of places.

I don't even know how to behave without my sleep. I would be a horrible person to be around - cranky.

I love sleep so much. That's the one thing I won't sacrifice. I really cannot.