How can you contribute towards building the Indian society and the Indian nation? No better way than to upgrade the quality of young people in school, particularly the schools which are run by the state government in the villages.

I think the most important reason for our success is that very early in our quest into globalisation, we invested in people - and we have done that consistently and particularly in the service business.

We entered the global market only in the end-'80s, and that was because imports became more liberal.

Certain product lines are more suited to be manufactured in proximity with the customer, while others are more suitable to be manufactured in India.

Frankly, I don't know how many companies there are, globally, which are truly global.

You cannot have a society where you spend more than you earn. I mean, it's just fundamentally not viable in the long run.

There are 600 districts in India. Every district in India has a teacher-training institute.

The concept of the strong linkage to the family is breaking down in Western nations.

If one has been blessed or have been fortunate enough to have got much more than normal wealth, it is but natural that one expects a certain fiduciary responsibility in terms of how that wealth is applied, used and leveraged for purposes of society.

I can't have my employees sitting in traffic when they should be in the office. Spending two-and-half hours in the car is a huge waste of productive time.

People have to take control of their own lives. Education is key because it also raises other social indicators like healthcare.

You have students in America, in Britain, who do not want to be engineers. Perhaps it is the workload, I studied engineering, and I know what a grind it is.

Colleges produce more sports therapists than engineers. Perhaps because America is a sporty country: a lot of outdoors.

The test of our social commitment and humanity is how we treat the most powerless of our fellow citizens, the respect we accord to our fellow human beings. That is what reveals our true culture.

Over these years, I have irrevocably transferred a significant part of the shareholding in Wipro, amounting to 39% of the shares of Wipro, to a trust.

A girl child who is even a little bit educated is more conscious of family planning, health care and, in turn, her children's own education.

The important thing about outsourcing or global sourcing is that it becomes a very powerful tool to leverage talent, improve productivity and reduce work cycles.

If the United States wants access to Chinese, Indian or Vietnamese markets, we must get access to theirs. U.S. protectionism is very subtle but it is very much there.

The Western world loves liberalisation, provided it doesn't affect them.

People are the key to success or extraordinary success.

With the attention I got on my wealth, I thought I would have become a source of resentment, but it is just the other way around - it just generates that much more ambition in many people.

I think that any wealth creates a sense of trusteeship... it is characteristic of the new generation which has created wealth to have some amount of responsibility for it.

The Indian community in Canada has integrated much better than the Indian community in United States. They've become really Canadian at the same time as keeping all their Indian characters and customs and social groups.

You cannot get into business for the fashion of it.