“My lead funnel gives away 99 marketing secrets in a free e-book.” 

“The Value Ladder is the key to building your marketing funnels and mastering everything else I’m going to teach you in this book. This system does not work if all you have is one thing—like a book or an adjustment. You need to be able to build out a full Value Ladder. Most businesses I look at have one or two pieces of the ladder, but they rarely have all four. Once we add in the missing pieces, the business can start to expand dramatically. There’s no end to the level of backend services and experiences you can add. If you keep providing more and more value, people will spend more and more money to keep working with you.” 

“In Section One, you will learn how to identify exactly who your dream customers are, where you can find them, and how to get access to them.” 


“Where are my dream customers (in this case wrestlers) congregating?” 

“With Secret #1, you identified your dream customer, and with Secret #2, you can locate where they’re hiding or congregating.” 

“Those who understand funnels will last much longer because they will make more money from each visitor who clicks on their ads, but this tactic will soon become obsolete.” 

“The different funnel types here are covered in great detail in DotCom Secrets, but for now, I want to show you how we use these front-end funnels to convert clicks into traffic that you own.” 

“The core strategy to understand is that your dream customers have already been congregated by your Dream 100. If you focus on identifying them and marketing to them, your dream customers will start flowing into your funnels faster than by anything else you could do.” 

“When most people hear the title of Traffic Secrets, they assume I’m just going to show how to run Facebook or YouTube ads. While those tools are great, they’re just small external tactics of a much larger strategy.” 

“Instead, we will be focusing on strategies that don’t change, including: Identifying your dream customers Finding out where they are already congregating online Learning how to “work” your way in Understanding how to “buy” your way in Creating your own publishing platform Building your own distribution lists” 

“With traffic I own, I can follow up with my leads and customers anytime I like.” 

“We had a very different approach that got a lot of people excited. Not just about the product, but they felt good about the way we treated them. We went old school, researching several hundred health and fitness influencers, then sending them handwritten letters and free samples.” 

“In fact, my only goal with traffic that I control and traffic that I earn is to convert it into traffic that I own.” 

“We also see it in smaller, entrepreneurial-type companies. Your list is your key to your current and future success online. This is the best type of traffic: traffic that you own.” 

“We asked ourselves this question: “What are the tribes that my women are already in? What network marketing companies are they in? What Facebook groups . . . what Instagram channels . . . what hashtags are they following?” After we identified these things, we tried to figure out who are the tribe owners of these women. Who do we need to become friends with?” 


“you want to solve all these problems, create better hooks, tell better stories, and make better offers. SECRET #4 WORK YOUR WAY IN, BUY YOUR WAY IN It was just weeks before we were going to “officially” launch ClickFunnels.com to the world.” 

“one of the first things I searched for was how many people were currently searching for phrases around that topic.” 

“irresistible. Figure 3.2: Every page of your funnel needs a hook, a story, and an offer. Yes, each ad has a hook (the image or video or headline that gets people to stop scrolling), a story (the thing that you show after you have people’s attention) and an offer (typically, what they are going to get if they click the ad). If” 

“Search-Based Congregations:” 

“Interest-Based Congregations:” 

“Pros and Cons for Interruption: As a marketer, you can target people who are interested in certain people, ideas, TV shows, or bands, and then you can interrupt them with your ads.”