“To find these dream customers, I would create a list of the local gyms, health food stores, chiropractors, personal trainers, nutritionists, etc., and then start building my Dream 100 from that list.” 

“Start with your favorite social network and try to write down between 20 to 100 Dream 100 names for that network.” 

“What matters most is that you are making a list of all the people, companies, movements, and interests that your Dream 100 are already following.” 

“For example, if I owned a local juice bar, I would ask myself: Who is my dream customer and where are they already congregating? My dream customer would be someone who is trying to get healthier.” 

“The con with search-based traffic is that they’re not just searching; they’re also comparing options with your competitors. You’ve got to be the price leader, as well as the quality leader and the niche leader.” 

“In this powerful book, Russell Brunson opens his heart and shares the tactics and strategies necessary to make sure you reach your full potential.” 

“The pro for search-based traffic is that when they come to you, they’re hot buyers who are ready to buy. This is similar to people who walk into your store or find you in the Yellow Pages and give you a call.” 

“there are two ways that your dream customers will find you: either they’re going to search for you or they’re going to interact with things that interest them where you will interrupt them.” 

“They think that as long as they build the best product or service, people will just show up to buy it.” 

“each ad has a hook (the image or video or headline that gets people to stop scrolling), a story (the thing that you show after you have people’s attention) and an offer (typically, what they are going to get if they click the ad).” 

“This book reveals the most cutting-edge way to drive eyeballs to your product or service to help people find you.”

“the Dream 100 is the key foundation for traffic and the key foundation for your entire business because it helps you to figure out how to position your offers and tell your stories.” 

“Every page of your funnel needs a hook, a story, and an offer.” 

“In my friend Dana Derricks’s book The Dream 100, I wrote the foreword, which includes:” 

“The same thing is true with your ads. If you hook someone, tell them a story, and make them an offer and they still don’t buy, it’s likely that the offer isn’t good enough for them.” 

“When building your Dream 100 list, instead of identifying the national influencers or leaders in your niche, you need to identify your local influencers.” 

“No longer would people only buy when they needed something; now advertisers had the ability to create desire and sell people stuff that they wanted.” 

“The offer could be as small as telling them if they “like this post” or “comment on my video” or “subscribe to my podcast” or “join my list,” you’ll give them a special thing in exchange.” 

“I’m a local brick-and-mortar business trying to generate local leads online, so this won’t work for me.” 

“The offer could be as small as telling them if they “like this post” or “comment on my video” or “subscribe to my podcast” or “join my” 

“The offer doesn’t always mean asking people to buy something amazing, although this is my favorite type of offer.” 

“Offer: The hook gets your customers’ attention, the story creates desire, and the last step of every message, post, email, and video is the offer.” 

“Each of these answers is a niche within a submarket with dozens of influencers, companies, and keywords that you can target!” 

“People watching TV that night were not searching for a new watch, but as they saw the commercial and the picture of the watch, it placed a seed of desire in their hearts and minds. They didn’t need this watch, but they wanted it.”