“The answers to these questions would include: homeschooling, baby sign language, after-school sporting programs, and drama.” 

“In the RELATIONSHIPS core market with a parenting submarket, I’d ask: “What other vehicles are people trying to use to have a better relationship with their kids inside the parenting submarket?” 

“In the HEALTH core market with a weight-loss submarket, I’d ask: “What other vehicles are people trying to use to get six-pack abs inside the weight loss submarket?” The answers to these questions would include: Keto diet, vegan diet, meatatarian diet, and bodybuilding.” 

“Because people who are on Instagram love to consume content on Instagram. The same is true for our blog: our superfans will move from Facebook and other places to read our blog, but our best blog readers are people who read other blogs. People who love to watch YouTube videos love to watch videos on YouTube, and people who listen to podcasts listen to podcasts.” 

“America runs on Bulova time.” And with those nine seconds, the shift from search advertising to interruption advertising had officially begun.” 

“In the WEALTH core market with a real estate submarket, I’d ask: “What other vehicles are people trying to use to make money inside the real estate submarket?” The answers to these questions would include: house flipping, short sales, and wholesaling.” 

“But if you’re struggling to identify all the niches within your submarket, just ask yourself this question: What other vehicles are people trying to use to (insert result they desire) with (insert your submarket here)?” 

“That is the first question you need to ask inside of the secret formula: Who is your dream customer?” 

“With that in mind, when I build my Dream 100, I’m not just looking for other people who are selling “sales funnels” stuff. I do add those people, companies, and keywords to my list, but what I’m really looking for is all the other people, companies, and keywords that are within my submarket.” 

“Other niches inside of the marketing submarket could be marketing through e-commerce, Amazon, dropshipping, SEO, PPC (pay per click), Facebook Ads, or online courses.” 

“And as you’ll see in the next secret, understanding the phrases that are going on inside of your customers’ minds in both directions (moving away from pain or toward pleasure) will guide you to finding them.” 

“Pay attention the next time you’re scrolling to what hooks grab your attention. Why did you stop? Why did you click play? What did the hook say, and how did it make you feel? Answering these questions will help you to become amazing at developing hooks.” 

“The problem is you can’t spend enough to acquire a customer, and the way to fix that problem is to fix your sales funnel,” I replied calmly.” 

“Wealth → marketing → sales funnels” 

“Ultimately, the business that can spend the most to acquire a customer wins.” —Dan Kennedy” 

“FitLife.tv’s problem wasn’t a traffic or conversion problem. It rarely is. More often than not, it’s a FUNNEL problem.” 

“Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it. BUDDHA” 

“Take heed from Aristotle. When I first started teaching public speaking, I always used Aristotle’s advice on speeches: tell them what you are going to tell them (the intro), tell them (the body), and then tell them what you just told them (the conclusion). Much of public speaking and getting things to stick is repetition. This type of setup does the trick.” 

“In order to be successful, you need a marketing culture that includes both a strong marketing and publishing core, and a keen understanding of how consistent editorial content can maintain or change customer behavior.” 

“CONTENT MARKETING: FOR NONBELIEVERS Your customers don’t care about you, your products, or your services. They care about themselves, their wants, and their needs. Content marketing is about creating interesting information your customers are passionate about so they actually pay attention to you. This last definition is my favorite (with kudos to bestselling author David Meerman Scott for helping to popularize this), and the hardest for marketers and business owners to deal with. So often we marketers believe that our products and services are so special—so amazing—and we think that if more people knew about them, all of our sales problems would be solved.” 

“Content marketing without a loyal audience is not content marketing at all.” 

“The way we communicate with our prospects and customers is the one remaining way we can actually be different.” 

“WANTS, NOT NEEDS More and more, I find that the best Content Inc. programs revolve around aspirations, not needs.” 

“ As an alternative to a comic book, consider an online comic strip that appears every week. Tom Fishburne (the Marketoonist) creates new posts almost every day in the form of a cartoon (see Figure 16.16). Tom has become a worldwide expert in visual content because of his cartoons.”