“I also only use my social apps (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) for two purposes: to produce and publish content, and to spy on my Dream 100. I don’t use them to be “social,” because this is the fastest way to ruin your life.” 

“an ad isn’t working, it’s always because of the hook, the story, or the offer. If a funnel isn’t converting, it’s always because of the hook, the story, or the offer.” 

“It’s how we diagnose what’s not working in every funnel that we set” 

“The first step in this process is to become obsessed with your dream customer. Companies that become obsessed with their products will eventually fail.” 

“If I know the things that an individual member of my Dream 100 are saying to their followers, I can model the same language patterns in my messages.” 

“I also watch what my Dream 100 are publishing because, in the future, I might be creating ads for these same people.” 

“I’ll listen to their podcast, read their blog, watch their stories on Instagram, and join their email newsletter because there will likely be a time in the near future that I’ll have the chance to actually speak to them.” 

“List building is a completely different investment model. I might have to pay anywhere from $1 to $5 per lead in Facebook. For this example, let’s use the top number. If I paid $5 per lead and only spent $5,000, I would generate 1,000 leads. If I averaged $1 per month per name, after five months I would break even, and after that I would have a positive cash flow of $1,000 per month.” 

“First, I subscribe to everything that my Dream 100 are publishing. If they’re on your Dream 100, they probably publish on at least one, if not many, different platforms.” 

“This Hook, Story, Offer framework is the pattern that you’ll see over and over again in most ads and funnels online.” 

“The most common mistake that entrepreneurs make when they start their Dream 100 is to wait to start building relationships with those people until their product is ready” 

“then asked Jessica to click on a link, which gave Natalie a moment to tell her story, build a relationship with Jessica, and explain the perceived value of the offer she would be making. Finally, Natalie made her an irresistible offer that would help Jessica to get out of pain and move toward pleasure.” 

“Chet Holmes, called the “Dream 100.”5 He wrote about it in detail in his best-selling book, The Ultimate Sales Machine.” 

“Your job is to identify where they are, tap into those existing streams of traffic, throw out some hooks, and then get a percentage of your dream customers to start coming to you.” 

“The hook is the image and the headline that Jessica saw as she was scrolling through her feed. It hooked her and stopped her just long enough to get her attention.” 

“For example, if you know you want to make $100,000 per year, make sure you are focused on getting at least 10,000 people on your list (10,000 people x $1 per month x 12 months = $120,000). If you want to make $1 million per year, focus on getting 100,000 people on your list (100,000 people x $1 per month x 12 months = $1,200,000).” 

“Isn’t that unbelievable? They could lock up an entrepreneur for eight years to teach them a skill, but not even spend 10 minutes showing them how to market that skill.” 

“If your prospect is aware of your product and has realized it can satisfy his desire, your headline starts with the product. “If he is not aware of your product, but only of the desire itself, your headline starts with the desire. “If he is not yet aware of what he really seeks, but is concerned with the general problem, your headline starts with the problem and crystallizes it into a specific need.”11” 

“But if you really understand them, then you should already know where they’re congregating to get out of pain and where they’re congregating to move toward pleasure.” 

“My webinar funnel gives away a “secret funnel strategy” in a one-hour presentation.” 

“How do I get my message in front of their audiences?” 

“My book funnel gives away a free book (with $7.95 shipping) called Expert Secrets.” 


“Every piece of good marketing has a hook, a story, and an offer.”