“Today’s availability of technology means that any business in any industry can develop an audience through consistent storytelling.” 

“Your customers don’t care about you, your products, or your services. They care about themselves.” 

“A blog post is like a miniskirt … it needs to be long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to keep it interesting.” And” 

“Content marketing is the marketing and business process for creating and distributing content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience—with the objective of driving profitable customer action.” 

“When you’re creating content and you’re getting feedback from the audience it allows you to hone your vision, as well as embed your vision ultimately with whatever it is that you’re creating.” 

“The easiest way to turn off your community members is to broadcast the same message across multiple channels. Instead, determine the kind of content that interests the members of your community in a way that is useful to them.” 

“For each article, Upworthy writes a minimum of 25 different headlines. Then the company does various A/B tests with its subscription lists to see which headline led to the most e-mail opens and the most shares.” 

“Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.” 

It (the partnership) allows us to offer an even more powerful offering. We have a leading router platform. But when you start looking at volumes of 10-giabit routers, we really felt Juniper would add a lot of value.

We've become the hub of campus. This place is buzzing.

“Opening a dialogue with your potential clients is an example of what I call “the shot across the bow,” and it’s a great way to start your prelaunch campaign.” 

“The world has changed, and the only true security is your ability to create value and get paid for that value. Once” 

“How long can a war go on? It seems like this war has been going on forever without end.” 

“MY STUFF” to your followers. Opening a dialogue with your potential clients is an example of what I call “the shot across the bow,” and it’s a great way to start your prelaunch campaign.” 

“Hi, We’re VERY close to finishing our long-awaited Trading Manual. We have been working on this for more than four years, but we are finally going to wrap it up. We will be releasing it in early January. This course will be entirely focused on “Support and Resistance.” It will include two printed manuals, eight audio CDs, and one video tutorial DVD. It is going to be a complete brain dump of everything that we know about “SUPPORT and RESISTANCE.” We are going to cover all the ways that we use to generate our support and resistance zones, and we are going to show you exactly how we trade those zones. HOWEVER, we need your help. Before we finalize everything and send it off to the printer, we need to make sure we have covered everything. That is where you come in. Please take a few minutes to answer this super-short survey—there is really only one thing we want to ask you … What are your two top questions about Support and Resistance that we absolutely NEED to answer in our trading course?” 

“Making the right decisions around that opportunity cost is one of the biggest factors in the success of your business.” 

“Your most scarce resource is focus.” 

“It’s not hard to impress your clients. Give them what you promised, give them great customer support, and then give them an extra surprise or two along the way. Do those things and you will be paid back 100 times. And” 

“If you want to make your business and your marketing memorable, then your marketing needs to tell a story.” 

“Our product launches use a series of sequences—pre-prelaunch, the prelaunch, the launch, and the post-launch.” 

“At its heart, Product Launch Formula is made up of sequences, stories, and triggers.” 

“Ley de Parkinson, que establece que la demanda de algo se expande para igualar la oferta.” 

“As an entrepreneur, your income varies. Some months are great; some months suck, and most are average.” 

“Una empresa con finanzas saludables es el resultado de una serie de pequeñas victorias financieras diarias, no de un gran momento. La rentabilidad no es un evento, es un hábito.”