“Putting your nose to the grindstone is a really easy way to cover up an unhealthy business. We think that if we can just work harder, longer, better—if we can just hold out—something good will happen one day.” 

“Small, repetitive, continuous actions, chained together, build momentous momentum” 

“Profit is not an event. It's a habit.” 

“A financially healthy company is a result of a series of small daily financial wins, not one big moment. Profitability isn’t an event; it’s a habit. WHY” 

“All revenue is not the same. If you remove your worst, unprofitable clients and the now-unnecessary costs associated with them, you will see a jump in profitability and a reduction in stress, often within a few weeks. Equally important, you will have more time to pursue and clone your best clients.” 

“And no one is a superfan of anything that doesn’t make them feel special.” 

“figure out the rate at which you’re able to connect authentically with your audience and make them feel special.” 

“A need is what you believe your customers require to solve a problem, and the product or business becomes the mechanism to fulfill that requirement.” 

“This one is simple, and is similar to method 2: Find ten people, and ask them to spend fifteen minutes talking to you about a problem or need they have related to your area of expertise or interest.” 

“For example, if you’re in the homeschooling niche, obviously you’d type in “homeschooling” or “homeschool.” A number of groups (among other results, like pages or people) will appear. Filter out everything but the groups, if possible.” 

“Why? Because when you focus on creating superfans, as a byproduct you’ll get more traffic, more followers, more views, and more subscribers. You’ll build a stronger, more targeted tribe who will go out of their way to support you and what you do. They’ll be more engaged, more excited, and more likely to take action. And they’ll be more likely to buy from you, too!” 

“Groups on Facebook or LinkedIn” 

“Method 3: Real-Life Conversations” 

“But focusing on the experiences that create superfans is more important than any other activity in your business. It’s more important than getting more traffic, more followers, more views, or more subscribers. It’s even more important than building your email list and acquiring more customers.” 

“The fact that I could (and often did) build a relationship with my customers was my unfair advantage over my biggest competitors.” 

“Method 1: Find conversations that are already happening online.” 

“For example, you could include a similar question in an email in the autoresponder series people receive after they subscribe to your list. You’ll get a continuous stream of answers as people join, and you can then follow up with them.” 

“when a human element is added to it, you’ve got something people can connect with.” 

“Building a successful business is no longer about B2B or B2C. It’s about P2P, those people-to-people relationships.” 

“If you can define the problem better than your target customer, they will automatically assume you have the solution.” 

“Building a strong, successful brand is about solving people’s problems.” 

“when implemented, can create superfans for your brand. Pick and choose the ones that resonate with you and fit your style. The key is to understand the unique qualities and needs of each segment and tailor the ways you appeal to each one. Just the conscious effort alone will have you doing better than most of the competitors in your space.” 

“When you become a superfan of something, it’s not because of a person, a product, a name, or a brand. You become a superfan because of how that person, product, or brand makes you feel.” 

“In the search bar within the group, usually located in the sidebar, type in the following phrases to help you find the goods. Make sure to include quotation marks to get exact matches: “why is it” “when can I” “what are the” “what is the” “how come I” “need help” “please help” “I need” “help with”