“Share items that are relevant to the group and provide value in every post. When you do this, you will get noticed and you will build trust with those who are there.” 

“Speed is only useful if you’re running in the right direction.” 

“Even if you don’t have a huge audience, you can still take advantage of asking open-ended questions like this.” 

“When I look back and carefully examine each of these failures, the fatal flaw always comes down to one of two things: Making money was more important to me than serving people. I rushed into it.” 

“You don’t need to change the entire world to build a successful business; you just need to change someone’s world.” 

“This led us to create three separate audience buckets that we talk to in different ways on the website and through email, and influences the products and services we create for them.” 

“1,000 True Fans” written by Kevin Kelly,” 

“The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.” 

“adapted from part of the hiring process within Keller Williams Realty Inc., the #1 franchise real estate company in the world. The” 

“That exercise also helped us determine that there were three different groups of people in my audience: people who didn’t have a business yet, people who’d started but hadn’t seen significant results, and people who’d started and achieved good results.” 

“If you were to start a business completely from scratch, with no ideas in mind, then my answer would be the opposite. I would say, yes, you start by seeking out a particular market and honing in on their pains and problems and extract a solution from there. The potential consequence, however, may be that you enter a niche that you’re not really interested in, nor care to serve.” 

“Your earnings are a byproduct of how well you serve your audience, and you can only best serve your audience when you know exactly who they are, what they’re going through, and what will get them to take action.” 

“John F. Kennedy once said, “There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.” 

“What’s your number one challenge related to building an online business?” 

“All of this is vital to define now before you proceed, because what you learn about yourself is going to guide all of your future decisions.” 

“Be open to and welcoming of unforeseen events because those unplanned moments are often the seeds of spectacular opportunities in your life.” 

“sent an email out that included an open-ended survey question:” 

“Post your question on social media where even a casual visitor will see it and have a chance to respond.” 

“You just don’t make money if you don’t care about people first.” 

“If your business involves helping people succeed with their podcasts, maybe it’s asking about the biggest challenges they encounter when finding interview guests for their show.” 

“If the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying “Circus Coming to the Showground Saturday,” that’s advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that’s promotion. If the elephant walks through the mayor’s flower bed and the local newspaper writes a story about it, that’s publicity. And if you get the mayor to laugh about it, that’s public relations. If the town’s citizens go to the circus, you show them the many entertainment booths, explain how much fun they’ll have spending money at the booths, answer their questions and ultimately, they spend a lot at the circus, that’s sales. And if you planned the whole thing, that’s marketing.” 

“If you want more success, you need to start paying attention to and expand the things that give you the most leverage.” 

“Prior to September 2006, Facebook was still just an experiment and not yet open to the public. In mid-2007, there was no iPhone and in April 2010 the iPad was still just a rumor in geek circles. We almost can’t imagine life without some of these technologies—yet a few short years ago they didn’t even exist.” 

“You’ve got to think winter in the summer. It’s just too easy to get faked out when the sky is blue and the clouds are fleecy. You’ve got to prepare for winter because it’s coming, it always does.” In”