"I am just at that stage of wondering where I go from here. I came into this business almost by accident, but now it has become serious. What started as a bit of fun, something to do other than be a model, has taken on a different career curve. I have been forced to ask where that curve is going to end up."

"When fate hands you a lemon, make lemonade."

"I believe in fate and what's meant to be mine will be mine, and if it's not in my lap, then it's not mine."

"As we reflect back upon the tragic loss of Challenger and her brave crew of heroes who were aboard that fateful day, I am reminded that they truly represented the best of us, as they climbed aloft on a plume of propellant gasses, reaching for the stars, to inspire us who were Earthbound."

"Misfortunes leave wounds which bleed drop by drop even in sleep; thus little by little they train man by force and dispose him to wisdom in spite of himself. Man must learn to think of himself as a limited and dependent being; and only suffering teaches"

"We do not know what is really good or bad fortune"

"Truth is no road to fortune"

"To endure is greater than to dare; to tire out hostile fortune; to be daunted by no difficulty; to keep heart when all have lost it; to go through intrigue spotless; to forego even ambition when the end is gained - who can say this is not greatness?"

"To endure is greater than to dare; to tire out hostile fortune; to be daunted by no difficulty; to keep heart when all have lost it; to go through intrigue spotless; to forego even ambition when the end is gained -- who can say this is not greatness?"

"Each ten years of a man's life has its own fortunes, its own hopes, its own desires."

"Fortune converts everything to the advantage of her favorites."

"Fortune and humor govern the world."

"No one is truly free, they are a slave to wealth, fortune, the law, or other people restraining them from acting according to their will."

"Action makes more fortune than caution"

"Fortune raises up and fortune brings low both the man who fares well and the one who fares badly; and there is no prophet of the future for mortal men."

"Fortune cannot aid those who do nothing."

"Fortune pays sometimes for the intensity of her favors by the shortness of their duration"

"He who finds Fortune on his side should go briskly ahead, for she is wont to favor the bold."

I feel like a hostage to fortune. Not that I am complaining. I wanted to play the role. But in truth I didn't think the show would be such a success. OK, I thought it would fail. Not because it was bad. I was confident it was good, but plenty of good things just sort of wither on the vine.

Our friend, Timothy J. Russert, was a man who awoke every morning as if he had just won the lottery the day before. He was determined to take full advantage of his good fortune that he couldn't quite believe and share it with everyone around him.

I'm a guy who's had great good fortune in his life. And everything has kind of gone in my direction.

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” 

A great mind becomes a great fortune.

“Forgive but do not forget, or you will be hurt again. Forgiving changes the perspectives. Forgetting loses the lesson.” –