"In 1968, I became a vegetarian after realizing that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry, and unhappy like we do.."

"We need, in a special way, to work twice as hard to help people understand that the animals are fellow creatures, that we must protect them and love them as we love ourselves."

"I like all these little animals that run and eat and hide all the time. I like their faces, They seem to be scared and curious at the same time."

"I'd kiss a frog even if there was no promise of a Prince Charming popping out of it. I love frogs."

"We have abolished the death penalty for humans, so why should it continue for animals?"

"Animals have never betrayed me. They are an easy prey, as I have been throughout my career. So we feel the same. I love them."

"No matter whether it's someone from the political left or right, we just need a voice to stand up and defend animal rights."

"Fur is only of use to the animal that wears it."

"All of my causes, including the most radical, are motivated by the defense of animals."

"My favourite animals are dogs."

"I stopped making films to look after animals."

"China once again disgusts the world, portraying the image of a cruel, perverted people devoid of any feelings towards animals."

"I can no longer walk. I can no longer swim. But I'm lucky when I see how animals suffer."

"I only want to protect animals from barbarous, cruel, inhuman and backward rituals."

"I've worked with Morris Animal Foundation for more than 40 years now, and I'm so proud of all they've done to advance veterinary medicine for animals worldwide."

"I love Cadillacs and name them after birds."

"Animals don't lie. Animals don't criticize. If animals have moody days, they handle them better than humans do."

"Wilderness is harder and harder to find these days on this beautiful planet, and we're abusing our planet to the point of almost no return."

"I'm in the middle of my sixth book, which is about animals at the Los Angeles Zoo."

"You can always tell about somebody by the way they put their hands on an animal."

"I've worked with the Los Angeles Zoo for 45 years, and we have this magnificent photographer, Tad Motoyama. He takes these wonderful, wonderful animal pictures. All through the years he's given me copies of these pictures. Well, I have all these gorgeous ones, so I said, 'Tad, I want to do a book with your picture on one side.'"

"She felt that she had revealed something to Cat, and with revealing something about oneself there always comes a sense of lightening of the load that we all carry; the load of being ourselves."

"Sorry about your sausage dog."

"We are not animals. We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice."