It's real easy in a lot of businesses for your head to swell up, and you become somebody else. So that's one of my main goals in the business - to continue to be me.

I'm old school. We're from a small town in Georgia, and I think if we do pictures before the wedding, I think I'm gonna be blindfolded.

Some people wear their heart on their sleeve; I do that in more ways than one.

My fiancee's the one that's picture worthy.

What you see is what you get, and the majority of people in my life that loan me clothes know that they've never seen me in a suit.

Don't get me wrong. There's always situations where when it gets bigger than me, it's time to go talk to mama and daddy and God.

The first time I went to Sturgis, I remember thinking, 'This motorcycle thing, this is me.'

I write about things and put things into my albums that I don't talk to people about. I don't hold back or sugarcoat anything.

I'm as honest as I can possibly be when I write.

Songwriting has always been close to me.

If I read a script in the future that I feel like I could have a little fun with or that reflects me well, it may be one of those things that I try out. But, of course, music's my number one priority.

I'm not too good at being fake or being somebody else.

We're gonna raise some big bucks and breed 'em and that sorta thing. Pretty excited about that.

It's been cool to catch up, but I think I'm done with my exes. To be honest, I went out with flying colors on the majority of them.

The girls from my hometown are so over me.

I sing about the things that I don't have conversations about.

If I'm down about something or having problems with something, I can write it down and get it out.

If I'm ever having a good time, I'll write about it so I'll remember it.

It's not just music. To me, it's songwriting more than anything. A lot of people say it's expression, but to me, it's more than that.

I always knew I wanted to be a performer. I started playing when I was in third grade, but I wasn't very good at all.

I'm sticking true to my roots.

I've been asked a million times to move to Nashville, but I just can't seem to do it.

I still live in the same town where I grew up.

Not to take anything away from artists who don't write their own songs, but it's always been important to me to make sure it's my story.