I'm one of the few people I've ever met who is blessed enough to be able to love the one who got away.

Man, I'm 31, talking like I'm 60. I really do feel in control.

I'm a very happy man. I've seen how bad it can get, and I'm sure it could get worse if I let it, but all that made me appreciate where I am. Plus, I'm married to a very hot woman who got away.

There's a song called 'My Faith' that's kind of my spiritual song on my record. It's a little bit of my softer side of me, comin' out of left field a little bit.

I don't sit down to write a country song. I don't sit down to write a rap song. I just sit down to write a song, you know what I mean? And I try to make that song the best it can be.

I wrote a song with a guy named Brian McKnight, who's a huge R&B guy.

I'm not real good at surfing, and I'm terrified of sharks. That's, like, one of my main fears. Snakes, sharks, deep water, and commitment. I think those are my four big ones.

My police record says I went to Panama City, but I don't recall it.

I'm honored the folks and Bendon understood why I wanted to work with them and Toys for Tots.

When it came to country, I loved the stories.

When it came to rock, I was always drawn to guitars.

I love Eighties rock.

I was kind of torn between playing music or playing college football. I was going to college and really focusing on my music career.

When I had my wreck, it really just put everything into perspective and really opened my eyes. I've always been one of those guys that thought 'it will never happen to me.'

I always go to my mom's house for Christmas.

A lot of rap music can get repetitive.

The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is when people that do drink, don't drink around me.

Main thing, really, is I write songs the way I wanna hear them and the way I think the people that come to our shows wanna hear them.

I don't write anything that I hadn't experienced or hadn't been through.

I'm a country guy from a small town, you know, and it comes across as real because it is.

From the R&B side, I've always been a huge Brian McKnight fan. He's just as talented as it gets vocally, and as a musician. I think it'd be real cool to do something with him.

I was fortunate enough to have a situation in my life where everything did shake out and hit rock bottom, and I did see who was standing there and really saw who had my back for real.

Being in Nashville was not me, and I needed to go home and reset before I got in over my head.

I've always been that way where, if something doesn't work out the first time, I won't try to beat a dead horse.