For me, a show's a show. I try to put on the best show I can for whatever audience or time slot I get.

It's a little less stressful as a support act, because the headliner carries the majority of the weight. But as a headliner, we get to play a little bit longer.

We try to put on the same show regardless of what stage or platform we're on.

I tell everybody, 'If you want to get to know me, if you listen to those three records, you'll have a really good idea.' They were released at different time periods in my life, and those are the things I was going through.

I don't try to be somebody I'm not.

I don't write about anything I haven't been through.

Looking back, we had the hard time, but the privilege, of actually coming up playing biker bars and little bitty college bars.

I try to just encompass the entire feeling and emotion behind the song the best way possible, and if that's 100,000 screaming guitars right in your face, then that's what's going down.

I just sit down and write the best song for the best moment, and however it comes out, it is what it is.

I don't sit down to write a number one hit. I'm not that good at my job - I don't know how to do that.

Most of my rings are not expensive at all; they're just things that remind me of people that gave 'em to me. And they all have their own stories, their own meanings.

Being on stage and on a motorcycle are two of the only places I feel comfortable and free. Those are my happy places.

Every bit of joy in my heart, you know, every smile on my face is yours. It's awesome to be able to share that with somebody.

There's nothing like having somebody that loves every single bit of you, and that you love the same way, to actually, really share it with.

I just hope my songs mean enough to people. And I feel like you have to live to learn.

Fame and money and all that - you hear people say it a lot, but they don't mean a thing to me.

She's definitely an angel sent from above. How can that not rub off on a man? What can I say? I'm a mama's boy.

I think I definitely get my soft side from my mother.

I wanted to make sure that if somebody special did come along, I was the kind of man that a woman like her would deserve.

I don't need anything to have a good time or be a hell-raiser. I was born one.

You meet people in the business and wonder how compassionate they are.

If a really, really pretty girl needs a ride home, I'm your guy.

A lot of things in my life changed, but I'm still a party animal. I'm leading the pack.

When I started doing music full time, I figured out my job wasn't something I needed to be completely sober for.