I don't want to release a CD; I want to release the real deal, so we're just gonna take our time.

I wanted to go where the people work hard, throw down, and really needed the party... Saginaw is all that and then some. I looked in those faces - and I knew, these people mean business.

I've got my head screwed on in the right direction, for the most part. It may be turned a little bit to the left, but we're getting there.

My mom's an angel, bless her heart, for everything I put her through.

I've kind of got a rebellious bone. I think I came out of the womb like that.

I like being different.

Every place you go to, they have their own little flair.

I stay on the road so much that my fiancee and I were talking the other night about what I wanted her to cook. I told her I don't even remember what a home-cooked meal is.

If the songs I'm writing can offer anything to somebody, I'd like to give myself the opportunity to deliver that.

For me, I write some songs that are really important to me, and I've got some feedback where some of them help folks and inspire people.

There's no smoke and mirrors here.

I take a lot of pride in being able to say that what you see is what you get.

If you're going to go out doing something, you might as well be fighting for your country or fighting for your life.

Songwriting is therapeutic for me.

I've been in situations before where something was going on, and that's the only way you can kinda cope with it is to write about it.

I don't worry about running myself ragged. I worry about being bored.

A lot of people can be cheerleaders for songs and go, 'Oh, that's great,' and they don't think it.

I got several litmus tests for songs, but usually the people at the publishing company... they're straight-shooters.

I am the type of person that likes to put myself in someone's shoes to 'get' it.

I had a CrossFit trainer for two weeks. I fired him.

I like to lift and do cardio to stay in shape, so I can walk the dog on somebody, and I like to be strong, but running 10 miles or a decathlon? That don't support my interests.

Here's the problem with talking about who I voted for. If I say I voted for Romney, then everybody's like, 'Of course.' If I say I voted for Obama, everybody's like, 'Of course.' And then I'm no longer the guy you can't figure out.

You shouldn't listen to my music for political messages.

I don't talk about the people I vote for.