You're going to get flak if you tell the wrong joke, but it's still the wrong joke. Give the wrong speech, you take it on the chin.

I don't want to do risky. I want to do important. And lovable. Important and lovable.

I don't like being surrounded by yes men.

I defuse everything I can with it. Humor is such a great shield.

That was my trick. I interned a lot.

At certain times in your life, some things are heavier than others.

When you got something you gotta do in your career, you do it. When you get home, and there's work to be done, you do that. It's all about balance.

In Nashville, if people don't like someone, they say, 'I don't really like him,' then add, 'bless his heart.' In Hollywood, they kind of leave that last part off.

Out in Hollywood, you get the feeling when people are talking to you, that they are looking right past you - like they're looking to see who else they can talk to.

As a songwriter, it can be a kiss of death for you to fall in love.

When you fall in love, you don't have a whole lot of time. But when it comes to a heartache, all of the sudden you have time on your hands, and it's an outlet for you to write.

I feel sort of really aware of how the... online cyber world has begun to take over reality.

It's crazy how loyal country fans are. I can't say enough how much that means to me.

It's hard to be judgmental once you've been around the world... it's pretty hard to be anything but understanding, and I think it's good for everybody to get out and see someplace other than where you grew up.

If you're somebody that gets a chance to go somewhere... that has to work somewhere or go to another city, then do your best to see it. Because I just think that's the best way to have an interesting life.

There's something about being out here on the road that the hours aren't anything like what you're used to when you're at home.

My dad was president of the volunteer fire department, which was within walking distance to our house. I spent several days of each week there with him - any time the whistle blew, he went. It was truly inspiring to watch him lead that way.

My father's a firefighter. He was my whole life. And my brother-in-law and several family members are firefighters.

When I made 'Who Needs Pictures,' my first album, I had been west of the Mississippi River one time in my life, and that was in fourth grade. We traveled to California for vacation and stayed with some friends of my parents. It was culture shock, and it was different.

I take his talent and his passion with me - to the stage of the Opry, to the podium at the CMA Awards, to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, into my own living room. I am the realization of my grandfather's dream. I am a player.

I don't have, you know, an 'overcoming addiction' story, other than the guitar itself, and I haven't overcome that. I don't have a jail time, you know, story, or any arrests.

When you're a creative person, there are just times when you're not listening. You know, I could be looking right at you and thinking about something else.

I have a very down-to-earth father. My wife is an actress and famous herself is more down-to-earth than anyone I know.

When you're old-fashioned like I am, you know marriage is forever. Those vows are a promise.