I don't want to be hurtful to anyone.

I'm of the mindset that God loves everyone.

The last thing I ever want to do is be preachy.

The truth is, I mostly thought about 'Accidental Racist' in terms of my fans. This song was meant to generate discussion among the people who listen to my albums. What I was most worried about is that my fan base would think that I was preaching to them.

I don't have the answers. But I am asking the questions, and that's the fun part. I'm like the kid in class with his hand up, going, 'Um...' I think that's a powerful place to create from.

I'm not answering questions with my songs.

If you make the mistake of looking back too much, you aren't focused enough on the road in front of you.

I don't like to look back. I love the next challenge and don't keep awards. There are a few that are really important, but my parents have most of them.

My first tweet was at the CMT Awards when I won an award and typed, 'Thank you.' Then I was hooked because the followers started multiplying. It's a great tool.

No one needs to recut 'He Stopped Loving Her Today.'

I'm not comfortable doing a covers album.

I'm a country musician. I know how to play jazz, and I can play rock. But I've had to fight my entire career to get a little respect from people who don't understand where I come from.

The hardest part about writing any song is, what do you write? And how do I rewrite things? You start to run out of ideas that feel fresh.

I'm done with rules that are there just to be rules.

I'm not a person you can figure out in one month. And you can't listen to one song and say, 'That's who he is.'

I'm the smart aleck. The class clown. I'm the guy who does the song nobody expects.

I don't think I've changed anything in the country format whatsoever. But I'm not worried about it. I've found my place in it.

I don't think I'm influencing younger artists - they're not trying to be me. But I don't say that in bitterness. I say that with realism.

I don't feel like I have a legacy.

We learned that whether or not you support the war, you honor the soldiers that fight.

It's rare that you're sure you're right in life. I'm finding that.

Life isn't always black and white. You're not always sure you're right. At least I'm not.

Everybody goes through a period where you're fighting a lot, I think. Sometimes that can be a good thing for your relationship. That conflict can lead to making up.

I've been ripping the Rolling Stones off with every song I write in some form or another.