"There's nothing that makes you so aware of the improvisation of human existence as a song unfinished. Or an old address book."

"It is music that causes the heart to broaden and the listener to grow cold with ecstasy and fright."

"But all the time-no matter what she was doing-there was music."

"The whole world was this symphony, and there was not enough of her to listen."

"Next to music, beer was best."

"They say women and music should never be dated."

"Music when healthy, is the teacher of perfect order, and when depraved, the teacher of perfect disorder."

"I'm glad I was born when I was. My time was the golden age of variety. If I were starting out again now, maybe things would happen for me, but it certainly would not be on a variety show with 28 musicians, 12 dancers, two major guest stars, 50 costumes a week by Bob Mackie. The networks just wouldn't spend the money today."

"On the good days, my mother would haul out the ukulele and we'd sit around the kitchen table - it was a cardboard table with a linoleum top - and sing."

"I love 'Modern Family.' And I love 'Glee' - the singing, the music - Jane Lynch just kills me."

"I wanted to be on Broadway, but in musical comedy."

"At the end of the day, you want to be always the one that's one step ahead of everybody, and when it comes to hip-hop, culture and art, you want to be that signature guy."

"I failed music when I was a teenager."

"A moment comes when you cash in whatever credibility a guy can have who plays and sings rock songs for a living, and you put your chips where you think they might do some good."

"The Clash were a major influence on my own music. They were the best rock 'n' roll band. Thanks, Joe."

"The star thing I can live with. The music I can't live without. And that's how it lays out for me, you know. I got as big an ego and enjoy the attention."

"A good song gathers the years in. It's why you can sing it with such conviction 40 years after it's been written."

"I don't like to write rhetorically or get on a soapbox. I try to make the stuff multi-layered, so that it always has a life outside its social context. I don't believe that you can tell people anything; you can only draw them in."

"Is a dream a lie if it don't come true? Or is it something worse?"

"You ask for your audience's investment in your music; you're in a relationship with them. And their relationship with the E Street Band is separate from whatever else I might do. I like the idea of us being something that people rely on."

"On any given night, what allows me to get to that higher ground is the audience."

"She's a walkin', talkin' reason to live."

"I don't write demographically. I don't write a song to reach these people or those people."

"The first thing that I do when I come out every night is to look at the faces in front of me, very individually."