A leader is the one who can outline the broad vision and the direction, and say here's where we are going to go, here's why we need to go there, and here's how we are going to get there. A manager is the one who actually gets up under the hood and tunes the carburetor.

I've had the privilege of working with Bono for the past few years in the One Campaign to fight AIDS and hunger and disease around the world. Bono is an Irishman and a great humanitarian. And I remember him telling me of his admiration for America.

Prayer's important, not just as some kind of a metaphysical exercise, but I think it's a way to refresh one's own mind and motive. If you're praying, you're really looking beyond your own personal thoughts and the pressures that are around you.

It's when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached.

The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it's all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it.

I'm not afraid to talk about climate change.

In fact, if any state wants to spend any money to do better at helping mother earth out. I'm okay with that - even California.

It's critical that we lower the cost of prescription drugs and develop a health care plan that works for all Americans.

President Trump was elected because he offered a new approach in Washington, and I paid close attention as I ran my business back in Indiana.

Constituent services for Hoosiers are like customer service was to me in the private sector.

I learned from growing a business that it's important to listen to everyone how we can do better.

Patients with fatal diseases are fighting for their lives every day while real, meaningful, life-extending treatments sit on the shelf just beyond their reach.

The cost of healthcare, caring for our veterans, and draining the swamp are among a few of the issues I have been tackling for Hoosiers in Washington.

President Trump has done a tremendous job of bringing jobs back to our country, and my Buy America provision for the National Highway bill reinforces his America First priorities.

Through the selection of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Damon Leichty, President Trump has already remade the judiciary, moving our country away from activist judges and toward individuals who will uphold the Constitution.

In Indiana, Made-in-America is more than a slogan: More Hoosiers are employed in manufacturing than in any other industry.

In a close-knit community like Jasper, every loss feels personal.

Hoosiers can rest easy at night because our police never do.

Our country is fortunate to have Bill Barr, a man of integrity who has served two U.S. Presidents, as our Attorney General.

Senator Richard Lugar is a towering figure in Hoosier history and one of the greatest statesmen ever to serve in the U.S. Senate.

With its beautiful shoreline and scenic trails, Indiana Dunes is a state treasure that deserves the recognition of a national park.

By ending congressional taxpayer-funded pensions, we will take one more step toward draining the swamp in Washington.

Our job in Congress is to serve the American people, and not enrich ourselves with special taxpayer-funded benefits.

Courts of law require evidence to go to trial - not opinions from bureaucrats.